Monday, December 29, 2003
2003 is about to end soon. Lots of stuffs, lots of new experiences tis year. Though not all happy ones...but each n every single one of these experiences enlightened me. (enlightened...did i use enlightened?) My opinions for lotsa stuffs changed....about life, about relationships, about friends, about future........and about the people around me. i believe i have changed (alot?maybe) ...but sometimes i like to fall back to the old-me, esp when meeting long lost frenz. Like meeting amy tis time round in HK. Felt that both of us are starting to cherish this friendship between us more than ever. Both half-grown up...learning to know that friends come and go and come and go. Learnt that the solution iz not to make more and more new friends but to cherish and hold on to the friends we have now.
Relationship wise....i guess i havent been a smart girl this year...ha. Too emotional? Too rash? Maybe. Didnt regret in liking that guy, but rather regret all my silly actions and stuffs. Have been doing alot of thinking while i'm away from sgp... ... about all those guyz i've met, liked, and passed me by. And my conclusion is....the problem lies with me. I cant sort things right. I cant make up my mind in what i really want. And I.......I just don't give guyz the impression that I AM A GIRL. One guy told me before that he wouldnt want to be seen with me(as his girlfriend) and yet his friends think that he's with his brother. Been damn hurt by this point at that now, maybe he's right? That's what guyz think?
Friendship wise....din really made much new friends but, in some way strengthened the bond btw some frenz. Esp after the serious quarrel in Sept >_< Ok all these are from the bottom of my heart..To wen rina and elin, though seldom see them, but i m really touched to know that when something happen, u guyz still call me up, turn to me for console or wadsoever. For i know i'm quite useless...cant help u ppl in practical ways, give lousy advices and stuffs. To san...guess we are now at another level of friendship le. Not like crescent times, share joy but not troubles. Though sometime we have cold war btwn us.....but so what!? Ho.......and to hj. Feel too attached to her. In some way she's a sis to me...and thx to her help, my np life is great! Yeah thx ppl. Bon have learnt to appreciate u pplz le ^_^
Too long entry today. 18 this yr...din really feel much grown up ar. Not yet matured...but not that innocent anymore. Still waiting for miracle....or issit i have to buy that miracle? Hmmm.........wishes for next yr are....
1) Miracle happen--------ah bon become prettier!!!!
2) Steady income
3) Recieve flowers in vdae
4) See desmond again
No longer wish for bf lu~ haha.....hope to stay single and happy!!!!!!!!!
PS: There's another blog of today below =)
I blog in red so u guyz will notice dat i blogged! Ho....happie bdae to me! 18 le....n yet miracle still din happen. Haiz....nt really sad cos expected le >.< To those hu te di da gei wo........thx! U guyz made my day ar! U noe hu u are la ~ i love u all k!!
Rather mizz sgp ar...esp Np. Miz monday seem so far away!
Anyone watched "Love, actually"? CHing wanted me go watch with her din went with her. Saw an article dat dae regarding dat movie which really made me wana go watch. Hmmm....sgp show le mah?
Real cold dis few trying to enjoy my winter. It'll be another 1 n a half yr till my next winter!!!!! SUmore sgp iz so damn hot thru out d yr...i tink i'll miz winter alot ^_^
Friday, December 12, 2003
Here i am again as promised!!Hohoho~ not at net-bar or amy hse lu, nw at cousin's hse. Amy went bored here without her! Aniwae! Her bf came back lu...damn sweet ar d both of them. Buey ta han de sweet ar...haix. Too bad my jie lun iz all d way over at taiwan....>.<"
My trip to taiwan is postponed le! Sadz...pushed back to next next yr. Haiz...i was still so excited about it ar. Sianz....hengz next june lots of pplz coming over..heez. Kaiwen la rina la sandy la..alex gerald la (u guyz coming right?)..if eileen oso come den can play 3-3 lu~whahaha...speaking of bball, hafen touch bball for almost a month!!!! fingers itch!
Ma got transfered to another short term job ar..haiz. Financial crisis again le...din wana push all d blame to my father. But sometimes..esp when shopping dat time ar...was like thinking if my father din owe so much den my ma no nd so stressed. Poor thing ar...she used to be an office lady. Now ar...
Oh yar! Dis morning went to yuen long's wishing tree. Hmm...heng nw d price of d wishing stuffs ( Consists of an orange + one big packet of red n yellow papers ) not up yet. Bought two set, one for me one for my sis. Mine was caught in d tree after 2 trials ^_^ Heez...last yr tried to threw it up for more than 15 minz sia. San till nw still hafen come yet ar...haiz. Hope next yr she can come alone to HK den we really really can go wishing tree together bah.
Recommend song -- Eric Carmen " All by myself "
I love Christmas! I love Christmas presents! And i love to recieve Christmas presents! *hint*hint* Hmm...duno how to spend this yr christmas manz. Hmm...very soon after that, it'll b new year, den Vdae, den bball season, den exams.....demoralizing right?
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Long time din blog le pplz! Got miz me? Me nw in a net bar in HK ar...damn noisy! Those kids playing CS n ching nw next to me blastin her speaker...headache *_* Anyway lots of stuffs to blog so tis entry will b a long one..
Finish writing the Xmas cards le! Finally ar...will send them out tml maybe? Check ur mailboxes pplz!
Sandy came n left HK le...haiz. At first she say will stay for 5 days one ar...but end up din really stayd dat long (due to some reasons la ). Damn wasted! We only went out once nia...intended to shop ar, but duno y the three of us so stupid go sing K. Wasted 3 + hours dere...den sumore right after K gota mit her parents le. Felt quite uneasy shopping with her parents cos of age gap? Haix...tink tis time san come hk, we din really enjoy ourselves ar..cos din really get to do wad we planned to do. Wait till next yr bah...speaking of next yr, kaiwen rina said dat they might come back with me during 2004 june hols ar. Hope they really can save money n come bah~ plus my ma say nxt june will bring me go taiwan ar! BUT gotta pay for my own ticket....hope i can save up oso bah!! Next june will be a busy june!
Been back in HK for ard month plus le...kept turning down job offers. Din really wana work here...m scared abt d working environment, d colleages n stuffs liddat. Wonder hw m i going to work when i really get back here...haiz.
Net bar really damn noisy >,< Oh yar btw...i finally got my skirts le! At first cant find appropriate skirts cos nw winter (winter skirts r all leather or other thick materials ).. bt hengz Mongkok still gt sell ar. Gotta dig one ar...still got lotsa stuffs hafen buy yet. Wana buy earphone ar...those big big ones. But tink dun haf enuff money to buy le...sumore wana buy hair dryer wor....argh! Damn broke ar!!!!!!
20 days countdown to my bdae ar! Hmm....will miracle happen? Will i become pretty within 20 days? Tink gotta go wishing tree again before bdae le!If possible i'll come online again before d end of tis month...
PS:Huijuan! I got ur bag le!
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Hey nw at Amy's hse wor ~ hohoho....anyone miz me???
Nt really cold here yet ar..still qt warm >_< Damn regret nv buy more winter clothings before i cum back...cos i gt no $ to buy clothes here! Shld have brought some $ back ar......regretz -_- .....
Getting fatter n fatter nowadays ar..cos really eating too much ar~steamboat ar, seafood ar, potato chips ar.Plus rotting at home....hengz i gt do exercise at home sia. Jogging la..bball la.... ^_^
San coming Hk very soon ar ... date not set yet.Hmm...can go out with her lu~~~woohoo... (amy nw sitting beside me...damn noisy ar + pretty -_-|||| ) Planned to go alot of places with her...
maybe can bring her mit amy oso....
Anyway, all those pplz hu alr gave me $ to buy stuffs...dun worry i nv forget!
Saturday, November 08, 2003
After tis entry, duno when then can blog again lu ~ going back tml le ... will miz u pplz!
Yesterday's east coast park tingy was cancelled, but we gals went MS Steamboat. D guyz all pangseh lU~ sibei p2m2 one leh. Huimin din turn up...we went to a new steamboat stall ar. Gt free transport sumore...d food was okie nia la...prefer d last time dat stall. Quite fun la...Doretta was talking about changing image the whole nite. Haha...any suggestions in how to transform her? Leave at d tag board so she can read k. d scarf from huijuan le!!!! I love the colour comby .... black n grey~! But d width ar...kinda wide leh~ haha...tink can almost wrap my carrot leg eh.... but thx gal! Luv ya!!!
Kaiwen started working at her roadshow ar .. . . went to find her with san yesterday noon. Saw christina n stella ( was it stella? ) oso ... plus one NP guy. Damn cool ar dat guy!!!!! Ahem~ anyway~ their uniform lk quite wierd. Multi-coloured one~ haha~ btw d pay is quite good ( $200 for 3 days? ) but sae iz tougher than d fund-raising job we had in june. N i tot tat was tough enough le...
Was on d fone with lin last nite...cant tok for long cos of my headache. She ar..forever problem-ised one ar. Intended to meet up with her to chat + update, but schedule alr so packed!!! ( U noe, stars are like dat one la~ ) AIyah..intended to do alot of ting oso la, but most of them oso pangseh i said wana play bball with kw la, wana mit up wif kimmy la, go elin hse le, mit fuxiang they all for bball la.....all fly airplane la~
>,<===============apologies to u guyz======================>,<
Luggage still havent pack finish ar...haiz. Anyway itz all my ma's stuffs la.... waited for so long, finally can go home le! Tml tis hour i'll be on the plane lu...on d way HOME!!! yeah~ damn damn damn happie ar! Alot of pplz keep asking me what i gonna do back there....aiyoh! Still need to ask meh!? U never watch d HK tourism board commercial meh!??!??!?!?!! case i cant blog for the rest of 2003, I'd like to thank all these pplz below for all the good stuffs u did!!!
Thx San for pei-ing me eat dinner, listening to me talk non-stop abt d same topics!
Thx Kw for changing ur tuition dates to accompany me watch bball matches!
Thx Rina for ur terrific cookies!
Thx Elin for listening to my troubles n giving me wonderful advice! ( regardless I really follow ur advice anot la..hee)
Thx Alex for lending me ur air-pump for almost half a year!
Thx Huijuan for pei-ing me play bball in sch + pei me eat + providing accompany when i need it!
Thx Zicheng for holding secrets within u!
Thx Rongpo + Wilson for playing with me in sch...hope i wun thx u all for this next yr k!
Thx Amy for letting me know that some one misses me so much~!
Thx Namsan + HuaTien for enhancing my love for bball!!!!!
Friday, November 07, 2003
2 and a half days and I'm back in hk! WooHoo~ re-read almost my entire online diary. Hmm...lots of memories abt lots of tings tat happened tis yr. Happy ones sad ones...its all over. New year is on its way!
Saw quite some ex-crescentians @ town last night and tis noon. Wendy + PL @ town, Weining @ Cine, Shao @ Wisma...shao was with her bf. Ok la her bf...only that he doesnt seem to be her type of guyz. She was crazy about Kpop and Jpop idols ... but her bf ar, juz like, erm...nt those Korea or Jap type ar. What u get is usually what u wished for bah?
Anyway spent the whole day with Kaiwen at ard town...intended to shop for jacket & slipper, but end up buying BrosProducts tee. Heng it was on discount ar~ or else duno hw i buy lu. Original price was $39.90 ar...ex ar ex ar~ d storekeeper was nice la. Can talk cok with him one~ haha~ bt dun tink he's local bah. After dat went pacific! Never really went there shop b4....inside all branded stuffs for teens ar. Roxy, stussy, Qiuksilver etc etc... really think that there are yet alot of shopping points in Sgp dat i've nt yet been to leh. Wait i come back frm Hk den go search again lU~~~~
Hey! Recommend u guyz brownies with ice-cream from Plaza Singapura's "Secret Recipe"...iz great! $2.80 for plain brownie and additional $1.70 for the ice-cream topping. Never bluff u all ar...iz real nice! Reasonable size of brownie topped with generous serving of hot fudge syrup ~ go try k pplz!!!!!!
2 and a half days and I'm back in hk! WooHoo~ re-read almost my entire online diary. Hmm...lots of memories abt lots of tings tat happened tis yr. Happy ones sad ones...its all over. New year is on its way!
Saw quite some ex-crescentians @ town last night and tis noon. Wendy + PL @ town, Weining @ Cine, Shao @ Wisma...shao was with her bf. Ok la her bf...only that he doesnt seem to be her type of guyz. She was crazy about Kpop and Jpop idols ... but her bf ar, juz like, erm...nt those Korea or Jap type ar. What u get is usually what u wished for bah?
Anyway spent the whole day with Kaiwen at ard town...intended to shop for jacket & slipper, but end up buying BrosProducts tee. Heng it was on discount ar~ or else duno hw i buy lu. Original price was $39.90 ar...ex ar ex ar~ d storekeeper was nice la. Can talk cok with him one~ haha~ bt dun tink he's local bah. After dat went pacific! Never really went there shop b4....inside all branded stuffs for teens ar. Roxy, stussy, Qiuksilver etc etc... really think that there are yet alot of shopping points in Sgp dat i've nt yet been to leh. Wait i come back frm Hk den go search again lU~~~~
Hey! Recommend u guyz brownies with ice-cream from Plaza Singapura's "Secret Recipe"...iz great! $2.80 for plain brownie and additional $1.70 for the ice-cream topping. Never bluff u all ar...iz real nice! Reasonable size of brownie topped with generous serving of hot fudge syrup ~ go try k pplz!!!!!!
Thursday, November 06, 2003
Never blog d past few dayS cos of obvious reasons. Mind have been occupied by lots of stuffs the past weeks...memorizing stuffs la, dat kind of ting. Nw dat exams r over...start to think of those type of things again. Tried to keep myself happy and excited about going back home...but somehow, itz just not complete to leave some things unsettled before i leave. ( At this point of blogging i keep deleting what i type, edit, delete, edit... ) I guess what i'm facing now is like buying an expensive jacket bah. Its like u really really want to buy this jacket, but iz damn ex and you hardly can afford. If u buy, u're making a risk ---- hw r u going to survive for d rest of d mth? Wad if u dun like it after some time? But if u dun buy, u'll never know how nice it is to have it in ur wadrobe. Who knows, perhaps by the time u have save up enough money for it, its gone.
Since I long time never blog then today's blog will be a long one. ( Ha...just to entertain bo liao giaz. ) Been repeating these stuffs to San for the past few days. Things I've been seeing/ experiencing/ heard from frenz.
Quoted from Tanya "陌生人"
No matter is male or female, people tend to look at very surface things. Including myself bah. If a murder is committed and two ladies is founded in the 案發現場﹐the lady that not so chio ( or plain ugly ) confirm tio greater suspect. Or maybe if two girl-friends are quarrelling, both are crying, outsiders that knows nothing of the quarrel will tend to side the prettier girl. Even if they don't say anything, in their hearts they'll be thinking "Wah lao, that gal alr crying liao tis za boh here still kao pei so much. Si bei 欠打 leh. " Dunno which ever guy said dat "Looks are not important"....他媽的‚I've been cheated for that line for 18 years.
The following days will be busy days ar. Rushing schedules with friends, catch up with pplz that havent met up for a long while~ 還有收拾行李 ! Bringing lots of confectionaries back ar....6 pkt Cafe 21, 40 pckt Bak kut teh, 3 pckts Milo,1 kg dry Ikan Bilis......all expenses for these stuffs on me ar! Haiz ... n pplz ar. No more request to buy clothes le hor...i alr gt 2 tees,1 bag, 3 bottoms order on hand le. Sorriez pplz....try next yr! ( Special grant of order to special pplz...u noe hu u r ^..^)
Thursday, October 30, 2003
These 2 days were tough days. Facing that bitch every day, quarrel every day....lin told me to get a lock. We walked ard clementi searching for locksmith...cant find any. Ridiculous right?!
Will be going back real soon...will miss you pplz! Lots of outings before going back HK...go KTV with san la, watch movie with kimmy la, basketball with Kw la n more more more ^_^ Hope exams can zoom by as fast as it can!! All my jobs will end at saturday...hope to get all my pay bah. If not then very difficult to enjoy the outings ar.....
Really looking forward to go back soon...go out with amy aka ching la, go yum cha la, shopping la, take neoprints la...and when the weather turns cold can have steamboat lu!!! I'll enjoy myself while u guyz rot here k~~~~ hohohoho~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Hoi pplz! Dun b so lazy tagboard is so quiet. Within 3 days if nobody leaves anymore message i might as well take it off =_= !!!!
Studied at harbourfront mac through out the noon...quite noisy there. The service is great, the atmosphere is okie, but ar... the Music videos ar. Erm...can be improved la. We stayed there for 3+ hours and the same songs were repeated over and over again! Aiyoh... ... damn sian siaaaaaaa~~~~Oop is almost done le! left DB totally untouched, NF half way and WM left 2 chapters! Yeah....way to go manz!!! Jia you jia you...and u guys also dun slack k! All the best everyone!!
Me and san went temple...went to qiu qian ar. Prayed for my coming test, my family, and most impt ---- flight! Hope iz another smooth ride... remember got once, travelled with China Airline. Nightmare experience...i thought my life has came to an end! The plane met with a current ( or sth lidat? ), d plane was shaking badly...i'll nv forget d water in my cup actually shot up to ard 10 cm during the current. Cos the plane all sudden dropped down abit...hard to explain la. ANYWAY...pplz. NEVER TAKE CHINA AIRLINE even though they're d cheapest!
Had another huge quarrel at home. Nothing new la...d same old quarrels la. Tink tis time iz d greatest flare i had wif dat old hag within these 8 yrs here...suddenly have the urge to break things, tear things, throw things around.....juz wana damage stuffs. Dat bitch ... ... damn fed up. Disturb me from studying ar!
1 down and 19 more to go!
Sunday, October 26, 2003
I am back! Ha! Depression is over for me! Thx for all u pplz dat keep encouraging me, backing me n stuffs...ah bon iz grateful k!
Alot of frenz came shibuya today. Mostly are ICT pplz...except for Wendy, Rina + Marvin la. Wendy came quite early..came looking for me. Said she's working at Bossini wor .. . maybe next time can go find her during break bah? MaRina came quite late..near to close-shop period. Said they were going to Changi Airport study. Think this period Airport will b quite packed with students bah? As poly + JC + o' levels' students all heading there......
D bookshop next to shibuya got some professionals down to set up the X'mas decorations today. Saw them worked at it the whole day...not easy sia. Anyway it reminds me of the Xmas tree we have back home in HK. Me n Ah yun always spend alot of time pulling the lights and decor around the tree....duno why we always cant find the star. Quite fun la...looking forward to xmas! And my bdae ! (***hint hint***)
22 days left! Ma and ching say itz not really cold may not get the mango jacket afterall. cant find it anymore Mo-iiyo~ forget it bah! Tml still gt work so ending here le! Nitex pplz~!~!~!~!~!
Friday, October 24, 2003
Thursday, October 23, 2003
I have always believed that we can control our own feelings. You can stop yourself from getting angry, stop yourself from throwing a tantrum, stop yourself from liking someone, stop yourself from crying, stop from yourself from hating someone blah blah blah. I've always told Kaiwen these too. Don't know why but this time, this logic doesn't seem to apply. I start to dislike myself ... I think I am so irritating and disgusting. Just depressed.
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Ten Things guys should take note on their first date
1. Dress up...appropriately.
2. Let us know where we'll be going. We won't wana be seen in tees and jeans if you're bringing us to some fancy restaurant.
3. Its ok if you can't think of some great ideas for the day. Movie will be fine.
4. Take the initiative to hold our hand.
5. Look at us when you speak.
6. Keep your handphone in vibration mode. You can answer your messages and calls after the date.
7. Know your limits. Its only our first date so keep control of your hands.
8. If possible, try to pay for all the expenses on the first date. A simple dinner, two movie tickets and popcorns don't cost you much right?
9. Be a gentleman. Send us home !
10. It ok for a kiss on the lips. No more than that.
Sunday, October 19, 2003
Finger bleeding like mad! Wtf! Blame it on the idiot photo frame la...tried to pry it open at work. It opened all right..but the glass cut my finger and the next minute my finger started bleeding le. Senior keep asking me "pain anot?","pain anot?"..of cos pain la!Lamer leh...i oso lamer la...still smile smile say not pain. Whahahhaha~
Anyway...NF's CA3 assigment suppose to pass up on monday. But still not completed yet. Haiz. Plus this 2 days cant meet up with Ms Zhang to discuss ar. Die le la~ lucky is only 10% of overall. Ha~
Went town with sandy on friday. Realised that I damn long never go shop le...all my shopping skills are rusty! Went visit some stores at far east. Hmm...really alot of new stores leh. Esp those very hip-hop this shop tat sort of promote LMF ( too bad they nw already disband le). Hmm..wonder if LMF come singapore will they go visit that shop..scarly they are shareholders ar..Look out for that shop at level 4 k!
Went nJoy to see if there are any new stuffs. Haiz. Sort of kana force to buy this shirt. Used to like that shirt very much~but nw dun like le cos i intending to change image. Haiz.. . .but d boss say till like she specially reserve for me n give me incredible discounts like that...end up agreeing to buy that shirt within this month ar....but still ar, Hmmm...abit "bu gan yuan" >,< After that went up to level 4 dat shop opp Bros products...then dat owner recognise me ar. Shit ... as usual, i just walked in, havent even really scrolled through the garments, that owner already handed me a top and prompt me into the fitting room le. San sae he damn "zi dong" ar.. .. .n of cos. I end up buying dat la. Sort of regret it when i got home...but ArGH! Its hard to get out of that shop empty-handed ... oh yar aniwae. His shop iz called Collage aka Ground Zero. Old shop splitted into female and male section. Its really nice n cool ( d male sec. ) provided u r armed with money...n i mean at least hundred plus....
Feels like i'm giving shopping reviews on far east. Ha...okie last words for todae! Support my shop at bugis! Cos business quite bad on sunday..haha~
Friday, October 17, 2003
Yesterday's ECID demo was disaster. Din expect the teacher to ask all those questions...real demoralizing. I feel so stupid!Why havent we think of all those questions?????? Anyway its over le...whats done cannot be undone. Study hard for exams bah...dun hope to fly back for retest >,<
NF project isnt easy....hardly can find any information. I think is cos I nt used to surfing net bah...not really sure how to use all those search engines effectively. Usually I go check mail la, play games la, find idol's pics la...and reading ppl'z blog already take up most of my time online le. Hmm m mm....
Went to eat Sento with elin and wen last nite....elin actually wana meet me so that we can go FCUK together. But we spent too much time walking around heeren n centerpoint le. Cant make up our minds what to eat for dinner...loiter around until all of us were getting very irritated (Hungy man is an angry man...wahahahah) Ended at Sento...its really very nice! But expensive we paid $48 like dat. But iz really worth the money! Cos iz really really nice ar ^_^
Weekends again. I thinking of quitting much earlier before exams le...but hmm, i need the money ar. What u guyz think?
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
Firstly gotta thx miss zhang for tolerating my nonsence and foul mood plus treating me to mac...thx la. (-*gam sia*-)
The Urbane sale at the atrium seems to be quite successful. As in alot of people actually went to get the invitation thingy to went in to see...didnt really like the stuffs in there though. I pulled the girls inside and yet I was the one who came out empty-handed. Haha...think the best deal was those levis top. Priced at 30% discount...not bad right.
Saw the guys' photos on Sentosa last sunday...hmm. Then there was this girl ( Gerald's friend? ) that went along. Courage! I wouldnt dare to go out with one whole bunch of guys alone..even if those were my class people! No way X_X . . . so I think ar, its either that she like Gerald alot, or that she is those outgoing type bah. Hmm m m m. . . .. . . then which type Kaiwen falls under sia.. . . .(lolz) Aniway..they like going to the beach every sunday. Hmm...Hj started going swimming this few weeks also. Hmmm...but the beach doesnt really sound appealing ar.. ..don't wana tan myself. I wana be a "fair" lady!!!!!! ( Hohohoho. ... ) And anyway I dun have the figure to wear swimsuits / bikini/ wadeva beach wear yet.. . .
Ma sent money over le... 1st thing to do is to return my aunt the air-tix money!! $425 ar.. . haiz. Considered cheap le...if not for the exams I might have taken more work. Hope to save enough to buy XO for my baba...if still not enough then gotta wait till next year's June le. Etto . . .. . haiz again.
Hey btw. U. I din backstab u ar. Believe it or not up to you. -_-
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Keep forgetting to blog in perfect english here..haha. Thx Doretta for the reminder =)
IFP exams are finally over. . . . yEah~ one down and 4 more to go! All the best to u guyz out there! Waiting desperately for holidays to come...first is to meet up with all my friends. Those that I've left out since I started to get busy these few months..and of course, those that I've flew airplanes for a million times. Ha....kaiwen elin kimmy rina ... see u all soon! Lets hope that time flies faster now and slows down in the hols k!
Very soon, another semester's gone, and of cos, another year's gone. Hmm...dun think I've achieved any of my goals this year. EH.. . .. lets hope next year will be a better one k!
Sunday, October 12, 2003
Something wrong with my chinese blog ... but all sudden feel like bloggin in chinese. What the. ..
突然觉得自己是一个很没有内涵的人 ,多说话只会显得自己多愚蠢。My brain works quite slowly, take for example, someone insult me at 2pm, 2.30 i realised i was insulted, get angry at 2.40, and only thought of something to rebutt him/her at 3 pm. I just cant be like rina or alex or rp. .. .able to analyse and react fast. 唉~lucky there are always people like kaiwen in this world. I wont be the slowest ~ haha~
Work today as usual. Extra tiring. Hmmm shop is directly opposite the neoprint shop. Every weekends always flooded with couples, school kids, families ... its actually quite fun to see them crowding round the machines, choosing designs, discussing about poses and stuffs. Can see lots of 俊男美女 also.. erm rarely see 俊男啦, but 美女 quite alot. Just discovered that quite alot of model-looking type of girls hang around Bugis ... with their boyfriends. ^_^
Saturday, October 11, 2003
Din wana mess with anymore stuffs this few days. Been busy handling my personal matters.. . ..was playing a psychology test in the library that day. Title was something like "Have you really gotten over him?" (Whereby the 'him' is suppose to refer to ex-boyfriends la). My test result was "need more time" and "still have some feelings but trying to control" or something similar la. Quite accurate I should say?
Sometimes I think I might be getting too sensitive. Trying to control myself but ~ or maybe its just pms la. Haha.
Sometimes.. .just feel that I'm not as important to my family as I thought I was. I feel so left out ... like not being there when there r problems, not being there when they have fun together, not being there to cry or laugh with them. Its like I just exist as a imaginary daughter and sister. There's no evidence of me in the house at all. .. .the only reason for them to call me up or send me stuffs is just plainly because they have gotten used to it. Its real lonely to see a family photo without me inside it.
I dont understand the whole point of returning to my so-called 'home' ... I'm really dying to go back, but do they really want me back? Am i still considered part of the family even if I only see them for less than 60 days per year? I'm afraid to go back to a home where people only fake care and concern about me .. i'm losing faith in them. And myself too.
.........................................Actually whats the whole point of blogging all these here?
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Edited my noon's entry cos it was sOoOoO boring...anyway just noticed something, why are there so few messages in my chinese blog as compared to here? Or is my chinese just to .. erm difficult?(whahaha)
Ate quite alot of ice-cream these few days. If my weight increase ...that miss Zhang who always psycho me go eat her 50cents mac ice cream will be dead very soon.Been stuffing myself with alot of snacks lately, ice creams la, chocolates la, candies and stuffs....especially during my work hours ah that skinny senior of mine keep offering me biscuits cookies green tea ... our shop is like another refugee camp.
Something's going on within the class lately. .. if that particular person reading this blog, hope u understand the whole situation by now. What i wana say here is that - - -- i'm just a normal boyish type of girl. Just because I seem to be the noisy one among the quiet crowd doesnt necessarily make me a leader among them. Please make clear that all the girls around me have a mind of their own .... I dun have that much authority and power to brain-wash them.
Regarding this matter, honestly, I'm getting sick and tired of all those questions people ask me everyday. I know people are concern...I also know that it looks very wierd with all the girls at one side of the room and leaving one at the other end of the room alone. Its not that we find pleasure in this, but each of us have our own reasons , which i prefer not to say here. I duno about the others, but i really dont think what i'm doing is wrong. What did i do? I merely left her alone. Its just that when all of us leaves her alone , it looks like we are bullying her and she looks so pitiful and stuffs. Doing nothing means wrong meh? If i talk bad behind her and tells people of all the bad things i dislike about her , then its wrong what. Right?
Sunday, October 05, 2003
I got lots of complaints about the Oop walkthru today! But keep repeating the same stuffs to huijuan and sandy already so dun really feel like repeating here again ~ Anyway. Juz wana say that it seems more like a test on "Bradshaw Marina"s coding rather than a walkthrough on MY assignment. Wtf.
Realised that every saturday sure meet alot of HongKong customers in my shop. Duno why also... sometimes within one day can serve around 20+ Hong Kong customers. The wierd part is, among all these 20+ customers, none of them are my friends. I'm thinking that if every saturday I serve 22 HongKong customers very soon I can meet up with one or more of my old school-mates bah ... ?
Boss came down to our shop today to pass ur our for so many hours and yet so little pay. Just nice $100 only...gotta wait for next pay to get more since I work on both weekends this month. Hopefully can get all my pay before I go back.
Anyway Boss say I should change the way I talk to customers ar ... cos he caught me talking to a customer too casually ~ but the fact is that -- - -- i was just too stressed serving the customer with the boss standing next to me. Its like taking an exam paper with the teacher standing next to you looking at what u'r writing. s.t.r.e.s.s.e.d
Zc just now message ask me go sentosa with the class guys tommorrow..haiz. Cant go ar ~ think that all these jobs are making me so 'no~ life~'. Whatever la. ... I shall play hard after exams!
1 down and 43 more to go
Friday, October 03, 2003
Buddha bless ah bon o__0 My Oop assignment is completed!! Yeah~ (**bounces around**) though not really fully completed, but... who cares? Its enough for me to pass my assignment. Now depending on my walkthrough tommorrow...buddha bless me again!!!!!!!
Assignments never dies....still got IMC and ECID projects gotta rush through next week. Coming week should be a SLIGHTLY more relaxed week i hope? ha...anyway frenz out there, gan-ba-tte! 4 plus more weeks before the end of the term...time flies remember?
44 days to my departure 0.0 still so long....Haiz. Keep thinking about this what i'm going to wear, what i'm going to eat, who i'm going to call, what m i bringing back now and later...u know, stuffs like that. Argh~ and my shopping list is getting longer day by day! What m i going to do ! (**hint hint**)
One day I think I'll just fly to somewhere and start a brand new life. No more blonde hair (N purple n pink n blue...), No more jerseys, no more hair wax hair gel, no more big tees and baggy bots ... (at the moment)I wana be some girl who's barely notice by anybody, cries when she feels like crying, laugh like a lady (erm...?), being treated nicely by guys and on the whole looks like a quiet and shy type of girl. At least guys take her as a girl and not a brother .... thats what i wana be (for the moment...i like to change my mind >_< ).
To all those that contributed help to my OOp assignment .... a million thanks ! And to all those that squeeze my neck these few days ar ( alex zc wilson tan wc ------______------- )...go eat shit la!
HapPie bIrthDay kImMY!!!!
Just wana say a few words before I go to bed. Time really flies...I still could remember kimmy's 16th birthday. It was a rainy day.. i remembered so well cos me n another classmate had a quarrel over the rain. Ha. We gave her a huge pooh bear for bdae that year. Then the following year i gave her a jigsaw puzzle. N now I'm giving her a wierd. Like..erm..from bears to lipsticks. From girl to woman. See what i'm trying to say? Just feel like we're no kids anymore.
Suddenly feel so old...dun wana grow up. Honest speaking, I rather face all my assignment deadlines, my java programmings, my D-minuses in my test papers than to face the reality world, the taxes, the bills, marriage, health insurances blah blah blah ... all these scares me. So what if i'm a coward. ... good luck to all those 18+ people out there. Enjoy yourself~ wahhahahha~
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
HappIe chIldREnz dAy to everybody out there!
Nf teacher gave us animal paperclips this morning as children's day nice of her ^_^ Long time since I got any presents from teachers. . .. esp on children'z day. Cant remember getting any since sec 3 onwards. Miss those days in crescent...everytime got this type of festivals .. like childrenz day/youth day/ .. we used to run around the 1st level distributing lollipops to frenz. Real nice to recieve presents on that day...sort of a evidence to show that u'r remembered and cherished by frenz even though we're in different class.
Now no more le(*oppz*)...went crescent that day with was so different. D garden in between the classroom blocks was in a mess, they were building a link from the 3rd level of our classroom d school classroom blocks that side were sort of in a mess. Sec 3 n 4s were staying in containers in the school field ( N there goes our school field ) .. wonder whether they have air-con inside the stuffy metal boxes. A piano was placed at a corner of the mini-forum...mayb next time when we go back again can play it for a while. And the most important thing --- the canteen weighing scale! Change le.. .not the old one anymore! Me, san n shao they all...used to weigh ourselves after every recess. Comparing our weights...covering our weights...argued about ways of dieting...hmm. N now that I never specially put myself on a diet ... i actually lost weight!! wahahahaha~
Saw gerald today with Not really sure issit...but they were alone eating at canteen 3. Hmm...never see him alone with any female species before. Me n hj was DAMN INTERESTED in dat girl...not really pretty at first sight. Zc they all said not bad n disapointing. >.< But 2nd time when she walk past our table (hehe..with gerald~)...think that she's OKIE la. Sort of those big n watery eyes, very innocent n sweet look that type? My opinions la...>_<
Aniway just a summary of what i did today ---- going crazy over the Oop project. I tink i'm cracking up soon. >.<
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Shibuya called me go work yesterday when i was still in school...but too tired to go. In fact they called me up quite a few times to go work, but those days they called me is either i cant make it , or simply that i'm too tired to go. Think about all those money $$$....wasted -_-
Look at the time now people ... I'm still in school. What the.... haiz. Felt so drained out this few days with all those Oop stuffs going on. Vectors and Jlist and objects and residents whatever shit ... haiz. Whats the whole point of doing this project when I'm not going to major in java next year? Pointless...talking about major. That bidding system is really LAME. Just don't understand why cant we stick to the previous way of choosing our electives through NPAL?
47 days! Going home! Damn excited...thinking about what i'm going to do when i get back. Ma said that she'll arrange a promoter job for me... but now (due to some reasons) i tink she's going to cancel that idea bah? Said that she wants me have a good all i gotta worry is --- how to earn money to come back in jan?
Sunday, September 28, 2003
Few days since i last blog. Been busy...very busy..until today. Sunday is rest day ~~~ my final rest day for Sept n Oct cos frm next week onwards i gotta work through my weekends -.- If not for the money....haix.
Something wrong with my body. Duno wads wrong but jus wrong. Felt very sick today...felt really giddy. Had a terrible headache..followed by breathing difficulties. Drank lots n lots of water , try breathing into a plastic bag, ate some biscuits...all no use. Duno what to do at all....iz times like this when u really wished so badly that ur ma's here wif u.
Actually planned to accompany rina to watch Marvin's msg her dat i couldnt make it. Ard 9 she called to sae she saw Jinwen n gf in the train. Ha~ she's asking whether Jinwen graduated cos his gf look very mature...those office lady? Hahaha ~ if i'm not wrong, dat gf should be the one me n sandy saw at suntec. No wonder we din last....all his gf look so demure n mature (u know, those typical SP business gals) EXCEPT me. >_<
Money is so important. month will be so packed with jobs. Tuitions n Shibuya sales...worst ting iz all the pay onli come after the period of time that i need money. Cos i need money before mid-oct and my pay all comes at end of Oct...shit _|_ plus got tons n tons of assignment n exams also coming...tink everybody around me will get the same stress as me bah?
Thursday, September 25, 2003
For the convenience of some friends,i've decided to blog in PERFECT ENGLISH.Whahhahaha~correct me if i'm wrong k. ..Got real lot of project on hand now,OOp,ECID,EY blah blah blah...(*oppz*)so busy. Dont feel like copying OOP assignment this sem (*opps*)..last semester my assignment was actually a combination of other people's work. Hope to get mine done without copying others this year >.<
Had another quarrel with the old hag n that retard last 2 against 1. Totally unfair. I won the quarrel la...but so what!? Still damn pissed...damn damn damn pissed off. Think this few days i'll have to bear with that old hag's nags le. Shit man.
Met Kaiwen for basketball (woohoo!!) last night ... din(*opps*) really played together for very very long time le. Nowadays always played bball in sch during breaks or after sch..either with Hj or San. Miss those days where we really sweat out in the CC court with Fuxiang they all. Aniway.. we were sharing the court with the usual gang of guys. Dun really know them by names...but sort of recognise them by looks la. Something like "I know u,u know me, but never say hi" type of 'friends' la,hahaa~
ANIWAY (haiz...i keep drifting away from my topic) one of d guys came over n asked us for our age. Said that they were betting or something-like-that...deja vu >.<
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
haPpiE bIrtHdAy Rp!!!!
erm...belated la hor =Dfeeling qt happie dis few days ar..duno y oso. jus feel like laughing n laughing n laughing...worst ting iz like to laugh at my own room..whahahahahah~ siao le siao le!
Will b busy tis few weeks ar. Got lots of project to do ar...tink will haf to stay in sch quite late bah. Tis wk onwards ar...still gt work sumore.. (--damn damn busy--) hope to get my tuition pay tml la. Cos gotta pay for my air tix le...need to pay b4 17th oct ar. Any sponsers?
Monday, September 22, 2003
Alot of ppl starting blogs nowadays ar...see dat hairy monster also starting 1 ar. Duno isit like San lidat 3-minute one la......
Dui ar~ i re-do my EY webby last nite. Spent so many hours infront of d laptop...nt dat nw d file iz gone or wad, bt strange ting iz ar, duno hw cum after i save d page liao hor, d ting juz disappear! As in I cant c d GUI when i edit d file in dreamweaver, bt press F12 still can view it in d webpage! Argh~ !!~!~!~ i dun tink anione get wad i m saying bah...forget it la!
Juz realise sumting eh...i love to laugh! duno y leh...all sudden like 2 laugh. Juz feel like laughing at everyting..whahaha~ lamer rite?
Sunday, September 21, 2003
Hey blog color will be alt. Cos sumtimes i blog twice a day n some ppl miss d earlier entry. So... read by d color okie? iz either orange or pink la.
感冒了一整天。。很讨厌那种感冒的感觉。会很想睡觉。。可是又不想浪费掉好好的一个星期天,只好逼自己坐在电脑前搞 EY 的东西。搞了半天,还是作不出什么好东西。
For d convenience of some ppl...i going start another blog. Blog chinese la...i tink i cant express my thoughts well using english. >.< sae i too eng or wad la ... tis blog will still exist la. (Cos i bo liao like to haf 2 blog okie? =p ) but more emotional stuffs will b at d other blog la. it'll be in chinese those chinese bo ho 1 no nd go dere la. read liao u oso wun understand la.
N oso for those hu dun like to read mushy nd waste ur time go read oso la.
Friday, September 19, 2003
最近喜欢把 blog 写成这种 format
people .. bear with me please
中学的时候有一个很令人讨厌的 vice principal
最记得她的一句话 是
"your fats clog up ur brain issit? "
来到 poly,又遇到这样子的老师
"Empty vessels make d most noise"
( 有不明白的人吗?leave a msg @ d tagboard n i explain )
比起那个 VP ,她骂得更高级更有水准
Thursday, September 18, 2003
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Monday, September 15, 2003
Sunday, September 14, 2003
YoKattA! 终于染好我的头发了... 比之前那个黄头好很~多~!还好那天跟 San 拍 neoprint 留作纪念... 一辈子不是每次都会这么敢染黄leh. Rina sae my new hair color much nicer ar ... nw dat i bleach my hair le, very difficult to dye dark colors ar. Cos todae Mark gotta dye it twice juz 2 produce a darker shade of brown. D 1st round my hair was still yellow!! 好夸张呀~
一整天待在 town area, Rina 买衣服。她花了好多钱买衣,我花了好多钱吃 ~ 哈哈哈 >_< 蛮开心啦 ... only dat 一直有点担心还没做完 WM... Aniwae she meet up wif Jane for awhile. N kelvin oso! Shit ar...很不好意思。只好一直不出声 ... act like i anti-social lidat. 也不懂要怎么面对他啊...可能是心理作用, 每次想到那时候那件事就觉得 很 paiseh >.< haha ~ bt 他ok la.aniwae...nt my fault dat time 会认错人啊。cos rina sae marvin 也是说 ICT 有一个人跟 Kelvin 长的非常像 ( i tink cfm iz referring to darryl loh ).
很想换 image...only no money. 突然又很喜欢那种比较girl 的衣服 , like those 花花裙啦,背心啦,blouse la...wadeva la. Juz kind of sian wad i'm wearing nw. Wait till i cum bek HongkoNG! TransformatioN! 七十二变!
Fridae , Disaster day
每次在最最最~不想看到熟人也不想被熟人看到的时候,偏偏会看到很多人。本来讲好 meet Hj @ clementi bustop..but end up she woke up late. Din wana be late for d consulatation session (IMC class), din dare to take bus alone wif tis type of A.A hair alone...end up take cab. 浪费钱!!bo bianz...reach dere still din dare alight at atrium...drop off @ lt 22 dere...damn shit loh. Waited outside d class alone...n all except Rein came 4 d session. All our stuffs were wif d grp leader loh..end up 白去了一趟 >.< waste my cab money...
本来阳光普照的,不懂为什么下起了雨...新加坡天气反复无常. By d time i met Hj alr quite a handful ppl saw my hair le...though i wearing cap. Imagine if i nv wear cap...even worst loh. Damn everywhere u go, ppl will like, wana stare bt dun dare stare lidat ... overall 来讲,弹多过赞啦. Onli dat wilson tan n another 2 gals sae iz nice... speaking of wilson tan. Damn suey ar!! iz like i was telling Hj "最怕就是看到他... " den d moment we walk out of Co-op, i spot joseph n sally...den was tinking wilson cfm iz nearby le. 下一秒我已经看到他了!!而且他也看到我!Juz realise dat my cap's so 抢手...每个人都想把它摘下来....
Saturday day
很忙啊!!超级忙!!Todae din work wif d ah-lian ( grace ), work wif d korean-star-lk-alike Jenny. 她人蛮好的...比较主动跟我讲话,哈哈 ~ 还请我吃东西! 请吃东西的人通常不坏啦 ~ ^_^ 超多顾客, esp 很多买礼物给朋友的人。。。很多人生日是在九月 meh?
Aniwae...din feel so bad going town wif tis hair den going sch. Cos erm...没有认识的嘛!哈 ~ 发现来我们店的女生皮肤都好像蛮好的..duno y. Argh~!!~!~~!~! 我的皮肤越来越差了 sad. A今天终於发薪水了!although onli $47.25...but alr damn happie le ~ yest still telling san dat i no $ ar...希望可以快点拿到这个月的吧!
Qt enjoy being salesgal...onli dat 脚真的会很酸 >.< 开始同情我妈,做了 sales 做了这么久 wonder she always complain sae she beri tired. D first few hours of work still can smile leh...after 4-5 hrs d smile disappear le. Cos damn tired till u cant even smile. Next time dun dare complain wad salesgal so dao or attitude le...cos really damn tired de.
Friday, September 12, 2003
My hair my hair my hair...GONER! I dun dare go sch tml ar..tink gotta wear cap. Iz yellow ar..quite similar 2 a fren's color..i tink even yellower! Long story .. actually i din wanted dis color. Me n mark ( d hairdresser ) agreed on light brown, bt he said i gotta bleach my hair 1st 2 get dat shade. So he apply d bleach on my hair den do steaming ( juz 2 speed up d process la ). Abit pain la..cos i tink he din apply treatment like wad they do in 2-way. So he off d steamer n rinsed off d bleach immediately. Check d color...very buey balanced. Only those parts dat have less hair were bleached. That results 2 a re-bleaching...n my hair turn yellow. Sailormoon color ar ~
Looking at d mirror..quite shock! Cos really very very yellow! Hj sae like gu huo zai's color... at first i was still joking sae wad really damn ugli n dat i dun suit 2 b ghim moh. Bt after blowing hair...mark sae d color actualli nt bad. i oso tink nt bad in without my face la . >.< quite worried dat if really dye brown may nt b as nice as plain bleaching... den Mark sae y dun let it be. ( he even suggested making ash blue..... ) Bt got ask whether i dare 2 haf tis color anot la. Of cos i sae dare la...gei kiang leh. After dat i regret le! On d way bek 2 JP many ppl staring @ my head! Even wo zi ji dou kan bu xi guan...!!!
Hj hair iz much better than b4 ar... she xue bao her hair, so nt dat heavy-looking. looks lighter n more style...dyed slightly dark brown. Nt bad loh...cos she looks much younger n up-to-date wif d new hair! tinks she will attract more guys lu~ hohoho... ( gotta po her cos she agreed 2 pei me go sch tml morn ..wahhaha)
Aniwae..nw i feel like a yr 1 kiddy dun dare go sch ah. i really dun dare go sch ar...beri scared alot ppl look at my head. I really regretted ar...i shld haf juz bleach n insist 2 dye brown. dun wana go bek n dye again...bu gan yuan >,< tink i gotta go buy lots of caps n clothes juz 2 match my hair. haix! aiyah..... so depressed ar....
Thursday, September 11, 2003
hey HEy! HapPie bDae to hairy monster!! Whahaha~19 le..zhang da bah! mai act cute le!
Yest gt one big ting happen ar >.< bt i nt supposed 2 sae here bah. juz wana sae dat .. i had some wierd feelings abt dis ting. Sometimes i cant understand myself. I cant explain my own emotions n stuffs. i duno wad m i tinking at all!!! hao qi guai de gan jue >,<
Ah yun called to ask abt her lang song bi sai ar..she qt nervous abt d coming competition i tink. cos nw p6 le..den if dis yr nv gt chosen for d comp she wun haf animore chance le. taught her some stuffs n techniques ... movements la, high/low pitch la. Hmm..sometimes feel qt useless as a sis. She gt prob onli cn tell me thru fone, i cant really help her much. We cant share clothes, we cant go out together like norm sis, we cant fight we cant quarrel we cant do tis do tat. Once she called me while i was working, crying sae she was drenched on d way home cos nobody fetch her frm sch. All d other kids gt mothers or maids or siblings 2 bring them bek home except her. Felt sorrie for her ... bt dere's nth i cn do.
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
已经有几个人 complain 说我的 blog 的 华文字 only can be seen in laptop bt nt PC...sorrie la ppl. I quite enjoy typing in guess u'll haf 2 figure a way out if u wana keep supporting my blog ^_^
蛮期待 chalet 的~ cos 很久没有 chalet 了~ sumore dis time iz @ east coast ------ 蓝天,白云,海滩,帅哥!!!wahhaha~ no la~ tink shld b quite fun bah. i can imagine d sea breeze le .... woohoo!!!! And oso quite 难得 dat other class gals r going instead d usual ones..lidat more fun bah? hope kw iz going bah......(Kaiwen!!!!!!go LA!!!) i alr start planning wad 2 bring to chalet le ... so if really last minute cancel damn disappointing ar~
Quite pissed yesterday. 气 >,< Dere r always sum ppl ard u dat pretends 2 b so nice infront of u, "bon~" here "bon~" dere while actualli all d while she's talking behind ur back. Shit these ppl la. 最讨厌的人不是那种老是拿你的缺点开玩笑的人,而是那些歪曲事实,把没有的事乱编说有...really despise these ppl. 讲同班同学的坏话也就算了,反正每天见面,免不了会有磨擦...but 连那些久久才见一次面的人也讲 ... 过分!!!奉劝一句: U wana tok behind ppl's back, by all means... juz pray hard dat those ppl u back-stabbed never finds out. 我在这里已经讲得够清楚了吧?
Damn stressed out over d Wm mani to do. Haix. Feels like alot ppl oso 紧张 over it. Saw sum ex-bball frenz @ mac..they oso discussing WM. Shit la ~ stressed ar. Met huijuan for hot fudge sundae to cheer myself up, haha~den went eat 鱼肉米粉 @ market, den came bek Mac again eat fries...haha~ finally gt my $ todae ar! Waited so long le~ sumore todae gotta pour all my piggy bank $ out 2 use. Heng by 2 pm d $ transfer over le...
Hmm...nw in WM classes. Lots of projects cuming along ar..sian. x_x. Wm gotta hand up next thurs ar...10 days to go. Si le ~
62 plates!! Damn full .... dun wana mention abt food ever again (erm...for d moment ) D gals wei kou actualli quite small eh...still prefer 2 go eat wif San ~! Hj n Doretta chiong-ing Sashimi like siao.. i stuff all d others la. ha~ bt aniwae quite fun la .. cos seldom eat wif my clas gals mah...only ting iz dat d digi-cam low batt so we din take alot pix ar..*shi wang*
Sunday, September 07, 2003
Wah ... blogger down 4 few days le, dats y mi cant blog. Damn sian everytime online n cant blog ... cos gt nth to do!
Aniwae lotsa stuffs 2 update.. okie here goes.
Last day of Exams!! YEah ~ damn happie DAT DAE ( nw d happy fade liao la). Nf paper sux.. wad i study nv came out, wad i din study all came out. Wad d...duno hw 2 do part 2 at all. anihow write rubbish..heng iz draw lines onli. Wana leave bt cannot ... gotta wait till wad attendace all mark den can gia. shit them la. After dat went play ball next to d track (cos din wana play wif d guys mah)..guess hu i saw? derek!! haha...he gt dragon boat training bah .. saw san's da ge oso. Played awhile. .. den went bek to 3-3 court watch them play. Nt really sweaty one, bt by d time i smell damn terrible (Rp's sweat!EEE) >.<
Bia all d way down 2 kw 2 watch David Tao..he sing live damn damn zhan!! really!! Din wanted 2 get his autograph at 1st ... bt due to MANI MANI sub-reasons we went queue up. .haha~ last minute decision. Quite nervous mental preparation @ all mah. David was very very frenli ar...most frenli singer i ever seen in a autograph session. He smiled, shook hands n greeted every single fans ! Including me! Kw keep repeating he veri shuai veri shuai all nite after dat. .. . btw, it was d most orderly autograph session i ever seen. No pushing no screaming during queue time everyone waited patiently for their turn sia....
Work day! Pay Day! Great dAY! haha...went tuition early in d morning 10 am. Sian ji bua. Gt my cheque aniwae...went hm. Bath again. Nap. And.....
Work again! Still dat salesgal job la. Ok reveal venue - Bugis Shibuya. I wun b dere everydae no nd go dere find me! Aniwae i was late 4 work.. n worst still, boss was dere! shit loh...late still nvm, when i wore my apron n stuffs n suppose 2 start work rite, i gt nth 2 do. Cos alr gt 2 senior on duty le .. by right d entire shop shld only have 2 staffs loh. Nw gt me, boss n dat 2 senior d shop was so pack! Boss here n i gt nth to do...wad d fuck. Duno wad to do wher to stand oso...feel so uneasy. I tink d boss sure is tinking " wad d ... i hire u juz 2 stand ard n zuo bo si bo"
Heng ard 2 hrs later 1 of d senior leave le.. so i gt more tings to do. Ha ~ kept myself busy by making a mess when d nobody is looking, and making it right again when d boss/senior is looking at me. Whahahahhaha ~ actualli i quite enjoy my job la. Only ting iz by d end of d day my legs r like breaking le..feet damn pain n stuffs. Bt overall quite fun .. esp when u mit sum unexpected frenz. Saw mr samat...he always wif young gals 1. Saw sakae-ex-colleague Joey ..although work there 4 a day nia bt she still remember me! so nice~!
Went town alone todae 2 get sumting..haiz. Alot of clothes wana buy ar. .. haiz. bt wad for. oso no bf...make so presentable oso no use. Saw alot of jap gals today.. stil dun understand hw cum they look so fair. .. tian sheng bah?
keep repeating David tao's "Pu tong peng you" on d way home...terrific lyrics. Shld haf heard it earlier. .. haha. Me n wen was discussing our most major crush dat dae....tink so hard le, still cant tink of an ans. wad actualli does "major crush" meanz?
Thursday, September 04, 2003
Juz duno hw cum tis time common tests i so slack .. . influenced by zhang huijuan n sandy koh! surrounded by pigs..wad 2 do~?! Totally dun haf study mood at all leh .. .duno hw cum gt holidae mood. 好像考完试就可以回香港的感觉~ haha~ Aniwae! 2 papers down 2 more to go. All d tough ones ar. .. 死背吧!but damn lazy to start 背-ing ar...
From todae onwards i will 努力做个女孩子! 要做一个男孩子不舍得欺负的女生!! ***DetErmIneD*** but i oso noe 很难做得到 ~ haiz!
San 今天就在讲说我喜欢过的男孩子好像没个好看 .. haha~ 也对啦。想想看呵,真的没有一个是帅哥 sia .. 我讲帅的,都不会喜欢,我自己懂不帅的,偏偏喜欢上 ... WIERD!!! Aniwae i juz wana sae iz ... guys 注重外表多过 gals. see ar : 陶 吉吉 , 康康, 杰伦,tension, all not 帅 one loh, bt still cn 红。bt 你看周惠 la, 江美琪 la, .... haiz! guys still support those 美女派的. ... so actually 做男人还蛮 LuCky de. .even u nt shuai rite, as long ur character gd, u treat gals gd, u look ugly bt cool ( 你看杰伦 ), still will haf alot gals fall for u. See dat vincent oso nt shuai, 不要说是 Alex Zc la, even 我自己看到他我也是满头的 question marks, bt he dis kinda pattern still gt ppl like 1 leh. ..
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
小希 张韶涵 翻唱 "Journey" damn damn nice!!!! suppOrt her pplz!!
Dino db will b so tough. 别提 le. . i wrote wadeva rubbish i noe. Still wondering hw cum 15 marks question i only can write 5 lines.. .. ? Mo iiyo >.<
Actually wana go bek crescent todae 1.. bt lazy. haha. Saw Pam (crescent ex-classmate) outside blk usual, last minute revision. Ha. Eversince sec 3 noe her till now she alr like dat le...always bia till last minute b4 test/exams 要开始 den 发疯地翻书. Miss her aniwae. Miss crescent days!!!!! (Abit onli la..haha) btw realise alot of classmates change hairstyle ar. . .gerald la zc la alex la. Alex becum botak lu ~ zc hair reminds me of joseph's dat time 刚开学的发型. Gerald's ar.. .nice iz nice la. bt hmm .. . tink change styling bah? cos kinda reminds me of 龙珠 的 撒亚人 ~ wahhahahahaha!!!!
Taka hafing a food fair ar.. or rather, a 月饼 fair la ~ walk ard ka-pok alot of food samples~ ahah~ i love food fair!!! San n me share 1 small pathetic cup of belgium ice-cream~ wah seh! damn damn nice! 没骗你! Dark chocolate really melts in ur mouth 1 sia. . . .bt ex la. $2.90 for dat small cup. Bt 1 person eat alr quite 腻 la ~ 有很多东西很想很想吃!!
Alot of events cuming up ar..tink tis week n next week will b damn damn buzy..也会花蛮多的钱吧? haix. .. .完蛋了 =.= ~ ma n huijuan bdae cuming la, tis weekend go work again la, go Sento wif kw la, go out 1dae wif kimmy la,go eat Sakae next mon la.. . .Shit lA ! schedule seems so packed... .haix >.<
Tuition + Salesgal alr 2 job le...duno wana take one more tuition assignment anot. Still considering. Need alot of $ ar...cos gt alot of tings to buy. Ha. Bt nw i tink all those stuffs gotta postpone lu ~ gotta pay for airtix 1st bah. Sumore wana buy XO 4 老豆.. hey if anibody noex hw much does d smallest bottle of XO cost cn leave msg @ tagboard plz?! ah bon 会感激你的... . $_$ /`
Monday, September 01, 2003
BlAckout. Blackout feels like being immerse in water ... the soundwaves have to make a greater effort to travel into ur ears. Feels like seeing alot of stars, n seeing d stars slowly combining to form an universe, n looking into a space of blackness with ur eyes wide open. Feels like suffocating on ur own pillow in d middle of ur sleep.
Aniwae todae 1st dae of work. .. wah~ dino salegal got so mani tings to learn so mani tings to do ~ hardly haf time to sit down for break. Always gotta gei xiao dat i beri busy.. hahha~ tink tis job can keep la. although quite wasnt as bad as d SAKAE job.. . wah lao dat time iz immEdIaltEly wana quit one loh. i like my unifowm aniwae.. n d working environment oso nt bad. bt my colleage ar ( our shop onli gt 2 ppl ) ... haiz. Ah-lian pattern .. .bt quite nice la. At least she bother to teach me stuffs n din scold me.Quite a few times i key in wrong code ( btw my job iz cashier cum sales ) she oso qt willing to help. Shld b grateful le lah. bt 1 ting iz ar ... when we close shop n start counting d money.. found out dat we short of $10 .. duno whether she'll suspect me anot sia.. >.<
Frenz changes along d way. Sum change till like. .. .damn 'haiz' one. They sae iz part of growing up ...grow up muz change character meh?
Saturday, August 30, 2003
Congrats to me! Found a part-time le ~ sales ard town area ( ho ho ho ) Dun wana sae wher i work la , or else end up like last time lidat, tell d whole world wher i work n end up quit my job on d 1st dae. Ha. Aniwae ~ if tis job is steady, plus my tuition i will haf more than enuff 2 survive! haha ~ cn ownself pay for my air tix in dat case ... .. . ~ hApPpiEz!!!!
Lurve d latest Y-3 gals clothes! Esp d shoes ar... bt damn damn ex. Sad~ XC Field G iz HK$2270...ard Sgp$504 bah. Sianz! hW TO BUy! so ex so ex ... >.< no $ no nd tink abt getting it le. .. . tink get sumting else bah. cheaper alternatives.
Went watch bball match at my hse CC.. .tot dat hu will b dere bt he's nt ..bluff me >.< Aniwae had a long long long~~~ chat wif hj ar.. tok abt d same old tings la.. .guys n guys. wad else rite. bt tink d match was nice aniwae ( though i din really paid much attention 2 it =P ) hj was asking hw cum i din go watch animore bball match le. Bball season going off le bah? All my idols nv play le. .. .sumore tis week onwards i gt work, cant go watch d Matches @ CSH on sundays le .. . hao wu liao ar ~
Energy really disband le. Damn depressed. Haiz. why muz it b energy. y cant be other lousy bands like F4 or 5566 or comic boyz or wad... ... -.- tan qian shang gan qing.
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Wun blog so much todae. Yest entry was like an essay ....
Went sch todae ... din plan 2 go 4 dat ah pek's class, juz wana go sch 2 get myself into d study mood =.= Canteen 1 was flooded wif business graduates ar ... a sea of black n white ppl. Like songkah lidat.. . .duno la. business gals all look d same to me ... white blouses n black skirts. I swear dat on d dae of MY graduation i will nt haf dis kind of colour combination!
Stayed in IT blk to study ... den gt dis guy next door, blasting his laptop (like jim loh .... ) n singing out loud. Sing still nvm, when comes 2 jie lun's fast songs (shuang jie gun zhe la..) he damn gt guts sia, rap till so loud~ echo thru d few n hj laugh till pengz >,< End up walk over see his face .. dun look like those kp type oso leh ... Aniwae after dat went play bball again la~ haha~ oso duno hw cum always end up dere .. haiz. Study week bcum exercise week sia.
Duno wads wrong wif my complexion ar !! help help help~! All sudden gt alot of red marks ... come out frm no wher!*** panic panic panic *** wierd leh.. nth wrong wif my facial products wad. Shit la .. . .. !
HaPPiE buRthDaY tO rInA!!!!! *beLateD*
Whahaha~ had a fun dae! Me n kw was running to n fro from Harbourfront n bugis .... juz for rina's bdae~! Wana make it special ... since iz 18th bdae n iz once in a lifetime~! but of course most impt iz haf rina's bf to cooperate wif us la ( erm actually iz we 合作 wif him la ) ... after few days of discussion n planning... 任务成功!! tink rina was quite happie when she gt her 'suprise' ... wun go into detail here in case she wans it to remain as her 私人回忆 =^_^= All i haf 2 sae iz.. .. me n kw real glad dat she gt herself such a gd bf.. 一个肯花这么多心思在她身上的人... u lucky gal ! i dun wana hear u complaining to us abt aniting ever again ... u lucky idiot gal !!!!
1st time took d north-east line (issit N.E? 不大记得了.. ) From d long passage frm outram mrt platform to NE line platform to Harbourfront center ar.. i keep hafing dat feeling. Itz like i'm bek in hk! really really! no bluff ... Hongkong's town area 地铁也是这样的,一条一条的很长的隧道,all d way lead u to d platform, den d 灯光,感觉, colour theme n everyting ... so 像!!! Kw like 山龟 lidat.. .. look here look dere, making loud gasps, admiring d mirror reflections ~ wahahha ~ bt aniwae d NE line real nice la. Iz MUCH MUCH faster than d normal trains .. . n 没有人的. Even ard 7 plus d train oso 空空的..
Harbourfront was another new experience. Dino dat it was originally World Trade .. onli dat nw change name nia. Hmmm... gt one jetty (open for all) quite nice. Those terrific place to 喝酒,聊天,ton, 拍拖 . ... cos iz facing d sea n can feel d breeze n everyting. So funnie ... last time gt 1 guy kip insisting in bringing me there, duno for wad. Now then i noe ... chey! Oh yar d mac in HF 跟别的 mac 不同的..d seats iz much comfy, sumore gt those Starbucks sofa n round tables, even food oso diff ~ much more high class n special. Wonder if i go dere study they will chase me out anot leh. .. . 那里的气氛真的真的很好 for 读书。
Hey if anyone still hafen been to HF before rite tell me k ... or else i feel dat i really damn sua gu. .. aniwae dere still gt qt sum stuffs ar~ bt nt really for shopping la. More for those tourist or those ppl gg 2 sentosa to get their stuffs dere ... me n kw tinking dat we mite go dere again .. juz for d mac ~ heez ..
搭 train 回家时跟kw 讲起出国留学的事情...juz casual chat abt wher she'll wana go for further studies ar, n under wad conditions dat she will 打消这念头啦 n stuffs .... all sudden 想起我妈. Iz really nt dat easy. .. duno hw to sae oso la. As in if u really get married overseas or migrate overseas or go overseas study or WADEVA la, iz nt easy to come bek. Nt those physically d cum bek la .. bt . Aiyah .. like u cant really move bek here again. Nt easy. 就好像你出国留学的时候,你得先放下这里所有的人,物,事,然后到另一个地方,从新开始所有的东西,从没有朋友到有朋友,从迷路到可以自由逛街。。。慢慢地会变得很离不开那个地方,不是喜欢,而是习惯那里的所有东西 。。就算想家,也只不过回去度假, 那一个才是家,已经分不清楚了。N when u finally come to a day when u need to decide to stay or go bek home ... it wil b such a difficult decision. ... so wad for make life difficult for urself rite?
好想打球 sia... mon went bek sch wif Huijuan, we planned 2 study ... haha~ ended up in bball court. Ha ~ hols still gt so mani ppl hogging d court sia ... sian. If gt court mainly reserved for gals 就好了 ~
Monday, August 25, 2003
Rot at home whole dae..was on fone wif kw rina n elin~ yeah! tues arrangements 搞定了!Elin told me lots abt working @ Topshop. Hmm...salesgal nt an easy job.
Read an interview on Dejay.. 很多感触 。以前总认为新时代的女孩子,遇到喜欢的人就应该敢敢地说出来才对,cos .. i mean, hu noes? he or me mite b gone d next minute...n i'll never get to noe wad will actually happens if he noes dat i like him. 有行动才有发展呀 。。。 唉。我一直是这样想的啦。现在发现自己错了,而且是大错特错!女孩子做主动完全 dun work one loh! 讲真的,if dat guy 对你有兴趣自然会有所表现,if he doesnt, den no matter hw gd u treat him hw nice u present urself infront of him oso no use. 唉~ to all those gals dat i psycho u all in believing "gals can make d 1st move" ... i m so sorry! i made a mistake okie! 对不起 对不起 。。。
这首个送给所有为了喜欢的人而不开心的女生们 - - - - - 杨千桦 “ 一个人的童话 ”
苦恋不一定是浪漫 不必欺骗人
孤单不一定是寂寞 挂少一个人
从没王子爱惜 都要做人
Sunday, August 24, 2003
Last nite ZPOP concert ---- tink it was really great! Although 之前下雨 but seems like alot of ppl haf been dere even b4 d rain stops. 小猪 还讲有三万多人 in d field sia~ n i believe realy got loh. Cos really mountain ppl mountain sea ... uncles aunties oso gt. Din really wana go at first cos of d rain...sumore kw cant fall sick cos she hafing her term test nxt week... bt ar... din regret going n standing thru d 4+ hours la!!!
Alot of 新人 performance ( tink cos 金曲奖 cuming le ) like 胡彦斌 la, Melody la, Vans la, Seven la etc ... n my 林俊杰!!!! woo hoo~ he was great~ bt onli sing 3 songs den gia le~ nv sing " 让我心动的人 "... *失望 *... den gt 许慧欣 oso.. bt her fast song is 对嘴 的 ... another *失望 * ... Tension was a suprise~! Dino all of them can sing so well~! Esp 现场清唱 Amazing Grace ... all their vocals very 赞 !! Kw sae they were like Asia's Nsync ~ agree?
来不及回家看 “美人鱼”but got to see d 男主角 in live!!! Piao long he damn cute!! Wah seh ... if i get tis kind of bf i sure melt everytime i c him~! Sang 4 songs , even more than ani other singers dat performed ... den gt 1 mTv iz gt him n dat 美人鱼 的女主角 1 ... 俊男美女!! Aniwae he oso veri 可爱 sia ... tried to speak in chinese bt his slang really wierd ~ oh yar btw, " 你很帅 " in korean iz minum e-mida ~ muz learn for k-Pop fans!
By d time dat 陈晓东 perform ( he was last singer ) alot of audience alr leaving le ... he really turns me off sia. Seng's his fans he stayed n watch. d rest of us left after his 1st song ... dino his 歌迷会 still survived sia. I still cn remember few yrs bek we went to his 签唱会 n he was late for 45 mins n his bunch of fan club members ( wearing their yellow windbreaker uniform) all waiting for him. Dun like 大牌 的明星 >.<
Quite late le ... took last train go bek home. Aniwae expected to c sum 熟人 at d concert bt never loh ... hoping to catch sum long lost frenz among d crowd oso ( since so mani youngsters mah ) n really manage to find 1 ! haha...primary classmate bt din go over sae hi la...he wif gf ~ ANIWAE! D concert iz really nice! Really really nice. ...~ d 气氛很好 ~ kw kip saying we were like in taiwan lidat~
Look thru my 衣橱 .. so mani clothes dat i dun like le. Spent d whole afternoon in revamping 1 tee shirt...paint it cut it ... nw become jersey le! haha~ nw d prob is i dun dare wear it go out cos d paint will cum out when i sweat or when it rains ~ ! found d batik i made in sec 1 aniwae...~ wore it last nite le. Den cut my ma's clothes n made myself a headband ... ah bon nw damn into D.I.Y!! Still gt alot of stuffs wana buy ar ... esp winter stuffs! if cn faster go bek 就好了~
Thursday, August 21, 2003
Tired! Really tired ... too tired go bathe, too tired cook supper, too tired on my NJStar ... dun feel like using brain at all.. hao lei ar!!!!
So many stuffs undone. Only ting worth wasting my time typing here todae iz Alex scolded d Oop teacher. Tio shock when he ding zui ... so fierce!!! ( I'll bear in mind nt to de zui him. ) Ok la .. dat teacher oso damn bo liao la .. see him for 2 mths plus le i still learn nth frm him. Duno hw to teach one loh him... all he noe iz to draw dashes on d board n expect us 2 noe wad it is. bt aiyoh. He so old le ~ still tio suan by Alex by this ----->" U r nt a gd teacher". At first still abit sympathize tink of all d pay he gets every mth for teaching nth. Dun tink he worth my sympathy. Aniwae after Alex finish his speech, 2T18 was all sudden overcome by a never-familiar silence ... rare scene. All of a sudden everyone were so engrossed wif their tutorial sheets ... abit d gao xiao sia.
Overheard an conversation btw 2 gals, toking abt over-seas study. Alot of frenz ard me wans to leave their country n go sumwher else to study or start a life or wad. Dun understand them sia ... amy has been toking abt going to Mainland for her sec 6 n 7 since last yr. Said dat quite a few of her frenz went dere for studies oso. Ah shea left hk came sgp. Kw wana go canada or aussie ( i cant quite remember). tsk. Wads wrong wif rotting at ur nice little country! learn to love ur home la darlings!!!
想起以前有个朋友问我 :”怎么才会知道自己喜不喜欢一个男的?“. 我跟她讲,当你听到一首歌时,如果会想到他, 而且想到流泪, 那你就应该是喜欢他了... 今天早上听到 林晓培 的 "不哭" ... 一滴眼泪也没有。 松了一口气。
Quote for todae: 全靠当天喜欢过错的人,今天才会自我解困。
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
I am an idiot I am an idiot I am an idiot..............I am An IDIOT! ! ! ! ! ! ( dun u dare to agree wif me! onli me can sae me! )
Gotta push all the blame to WM lecture...I was damn bored n sleepy during d lecture so i fiddled ard wif my hp ah..duno hw cum i itchy hand stupid brain go press d security menu den oso duno hw cum i stuck on d screen which saes "ENTER PUK NO"... tmd! simi si PUK sia! den soonlai help me call Starhub center 4 help .. bt shit la, they need my aunty to call them in order 2 get d PUK no. ar... argh~!~!!!~~! i m a dumb fool!!!!
Desprately hoping dat i cn access my fone by tml!!!Meanwhile ppl...dun flood my msg k. or i use Hj's 900 sms flood urs bek..>.<
Dinno so mani ppl reading my blog ... leave a msg in d tagboard la shy guys! use sum nicks la ( if u doesnt wan me 2 noe hu u r?) ... iz getting abit quiet in here leh...except d usual ones .. aniwae~ term test iz cuming very very sOOn...hafen started studying. Muz get high high marks in order to increase my % chance in getting d scholarship... so much for studying for $$$ ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Monday, August 18, 2003
Sleepy mode -..- bt cant slp yet! gotta wait for "美好的日子" to show...
Celebrated dengli's bdae todae! Erm i mean it was suppose 2 b a turns out to b a class outing liddat. Went Great World Seoul Garden ar... dat branch doesnt rilly haf many variety of food >.< bt i still ate alot la...也不知道是我的胃口大还是他们的胃口小...总觉得怎么吃都不饱!Hmm wad else...玩 “终极密码”.... damn disgusting ~ esp lim zicheng itchy hand go mix those sauce la wasted food la altogether in a bowl.... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!~!~!~!~~!
Journey : Arcade > Shop ard > Bowling alley. Hj was saying duno hw cum d guys noe abt such a ulu place to bowl...看来我还有很多地方没去过吧~ d lift scary ar..if i alone i sure dun dare go in ... wana play pool!!!! (bon shouts:SAN! we go qt play leh!!!) haiz...juz realise hw broke i m. Still gt lotsa bdaes cuming up ar...好穷啊!! So mani ppls' 18th bdae cuming...gotta make it special for them i guess? cos 18 iz an impt age...wher u can start to buy cig legally..wher u cn walk into a sex shop...wher u cn buy alcohol without acting like u r NT underage...n wher u can b jailed! no more gals/boys home....dangerous age?
Saw dick n his 华田 teammates @ taka!!! so suprised! duno he 认得我吗 ... ... bt his dressing ar....erm... ok la i haf 偏见 towards guys hu wear singlets out to town, esp juz for d sake to flaunt their muscles... ...扣分! d no.7 wear till beri jap ar~ tink cos he lk like china ppl bah. Aniwae china ppl n jap oso nt much diff la...单眼皮白皮肤. Sama Sama la~
美好的日子要做了!dats it for todae then!!!
Quote for the day:爱一个没法爱自己的人,本来就很苍凉。
Sunday, August 17, 2003
Quote for the dae : 女人伪装幸福,只是害怕被男人看穿她伤心。
Went sch todae wif hj n kw... cos kw wana use our sch's lib. ha~ betrayer of TP! bleahz...aniwae we spent quite a few hrs in d lib ar... n gt 1 irritating uncle librarian patroling ard. tsk.好罗唆。Aniwae after dat we went to 打球... yeah~ wait for so long for d ball cos alot ppl borrowing. Bt heng d guard was quite nice la..said dat he'll call my hp once gt ball to lend. Kw wasnt rilly on to it (suprisingly) cos she nt in right attire ar~ bt after some naggings..she gave in la. hahaha... (go on, sae i bully kw loh) hmm...few rounds of match la. onli 3 of us ar so played 2 on 1. 很累 but 很好玩~ cos 很久没有碰球了吧? long time din mit up wif guohui fuxiang dey all 4 bball le...saw them at 我家楼下的球场 bt din went to 打招呼 > 。< ( -paiseh- ) .
In few hours time is my deadline le ( onli sum noes?)!! haiz =X end la end la...坏事不去好事不来!明天会更好!世界真美好! ( 疯了疯了)wahahhaha....
Ma juz called sae her pay tio deducted $50 ar...好灰暗的社会啊...等我以后长大开店我发誓一定不会无缘无故扣 employees 的薪水!!** promise ** aniwae she passed all those stuffs to aunty's fren nw gotta wait till dat aunty fren return sgp..den cn get my tings le! grey jerseys n white tee n pink tee n 公仔面。。。好期待~
Gotta complain sum stuffs here. I haf enuff of ppl saying i small ( or no -_- ) breast le la. U tink i wan si bo ... ya I boy I butch I tis I tat .. bt i'm still a gal k? watch ur words ... to get my d lump of fat on my chest bigger iz as hard to get YOURS bigger. Only me can joke abt myself. nt u. >.< ( did i sound too serious?)
Friday, August 15, 2003
All sudden feel like eating Sakae. Haiz~ still gotta wait till huijuan's bdae den can eat ar! still gt so long >.< Seems like todae alot of ppl in foul mood ar... esp teachers. kana scolding frm FP teacher... she oso very lame la. Asked if i understand anot, den i sae i dun understand, den she sae cos i last week was busy toking n din pay attn. dEn WaD FoR sHe AsK mE sINcE shE aLr tInk DaT i DuN UndErStAnD le!?!??!??!??!?!
All sudden frenz frm business asking me help for dreamweaver. kimmy msg in d noon sae d proj she did was gone to waste cos her com crash! tsk.. poor ting... den rina called oso to ask sum quest abt dreamweaver. erm... being in IT course doesnt make me a dreamweaver expert. haha... sorrie i cant help. obviously u 2 asked d wrong person le.
Borrowed another round of GARFIELD N SNOOPY! hohohoho...*addicted*. Huijuan sae nw d whole record of her sch lib acc iz garfield~ cos i use her card borrow oso ar~ aniwae iz rilly quite entertaining la d comics. N oso sumtimes it gets abit philosophical oso...go read a few of those n u will ming bai ^_^ i miz my Sailormoon comics ar...iz all wif amy in hk. Sumore nt completed... if cn get complete set (HK VERSION) jiu hao lu...*hint*hint*
Sumtimes i wonder hor...hw cum i update my blog every dae with such long entries while some others seldom update theirs ah? Shld i write less sia...
Quote of the dae: Depression is waking up with the uneasy feeling the world is out to get u and finding out u're right.
Thursday, August 14, 2003
Had a long long walk to tuition till i 脚酸 le!!!! Took d right bus but alight too early...n was walking alone along Portsdown prison den pass alot of construction site .... walk 4 bus stops! siao liao ... 还好 manage to get there on time. Iz times like this that u wished so badly u have a bf... den can call him n 撒娇 . whahahaha...
My student really damn clever sia..一教就会!Find tt nowadays primary kids' mathematics quite chim. Gt 1 whole list of maths sums i cant solve at all. Copied it down...intending to ask class ppl tml bah. haha...all sums abt number patterns ar. 这种 number patterns 问题 is either u know or u duno 1 i dun blame her ( or myself) for nt getting d ans. hohohoho~
Kimmy msg me juz nw ar... sae she gotta hand up her proj tml n she duno hw to begin (notice d word 'begin'...she hafen even started!!).. told her use dreamweaver bt she sae she onli noe hw to use Frontpage. SHIT la! i duno hw use Frontpage ar.... really start wondering whether i'm in d right course. I duno much abt computers or network or server or wad shit proxy stuffs... 丢脸. i tink i can do better in accountancy ... 我爱钱!!!钱是我生命的三分之一!But duno which fren of mine sae i cant make it into Accountacy cos business onli accept abt 杨丞琳 s ? >,<
Wash clothes till my fingers 气泡 le... but for d sake of having brand new white tees... bo bianz bah~ btw..ani one wana donate bleaching powder/lotions?
Quote of the dae:真正的感情应该建筑在心灵的悸动,不是外表,不是任何条件,只是单纯心灵上的悸动。
Finally got my SHE's 爱呢 MV le~ woohoo~
Been receiving 2 tuition assg, called them up bt they din call me bek till nw ar. Abit 失望 cos i tot i will b hired. Tsk. Aniwae i juz got my nike luggage bag...go bek dat time no nd bring d kuku 行李箱 le haha...rilly looking forward in going bek! 很想现在就打包行李回家啊 ... 很多东西要买,很多东西想吃,很多电视想看!! sumore 今年要过 十八 岁生日!!! when u 18 u supposed to b chio-er ... i still gt ard 4 mths to get chio. hohoho~
Anione noticed d time tt i blog tis? haha...i juz woke up sia. slept frm 7 till nw(4+). tinking abt lot of tings...人生大道理 。哈哈~ beri hungry ar~ bt too scared 2 go 7-11 buy food. haiz~ if gt bf den cn call him wake up pei me go eat le~ (wher in d world gt tis type of bf so helpful sia) Toking abt bfs..tis morn gt tis guy called n gave a missed call. i called bek..den he heard my voice n hung up. ok nvm...i msg him " hu iz tis?" den he sae he'll call bek later. Den he reply sae wad he "called d wrong num, bt izit ok to make frenz?" . ok nvm again...i sort of sae no le...den he still kip saying make frenz make frenz. Hj sae he sound desperate. Agreed >.< Actually tis type of tings happen before..did made frenz wif d guy hu called d wrong num...sumtings did happen n hmmm...*_* 奉劝一句 千万别跟打错的男生做朋友。会后悔的 ^_^
Quote for d day:不是付出就会有回报,不是等待就会有结局
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Hey juz heard sumting shocking!! For every song u download, u may b fine 200 bucks! wad the... nw i dun dare 2 dl frm Chinamp3 le >,< haiyo ... SINGAPORE IZ INDEED A FINE CITY.
Duno wads wrong wif d NP system. So mani ppl gt bug n dat SHUT DOWN tingy kip popping up.. timothy's solution : Go Run... den type cmd den type "shutdown /a" press enter.. it shld b okie le.
Monday, August 11, 2003
Photos are out le! I bring dem tml for u ppl c k ~ all r ok except for d pix taken @ d field. Lousy photographer.
Yest's outing was a long long one. Din expect dat so mani ppl will turn up ~ 13 of us. so 难得 most of d class gals turn up. = ) Tink considered alot of ppl went Marina South eat steamboat ... 人山人海. Alot of ppl wearing either red or white ar ~ even more than New year period. So onz sia.
Had alot of 第一次¸第一次 eat steamboat in Marina South la, 第一次看烟花 (live) la, 第一次 被 continuously carried by 2 guys la ,第一次被强吻 la,很多很多 .... bt aniwae had a great time la! Ate alot at steamboat ar ... next time cn go wif san. Cos she eat alot oso. ... haha. ok wad else ar... d 烟花 really 漂亮! cos i nv c before mah ... tink will b even nicer if i was at d National Stadium bah?
After d meal...torture begins. Being pulled ard, being carried up n down, piggy back blah blah blah ... gotta admit Wilson iz quite strong ar. Cos 他比较steady as compared to my ex ... bt i will rather have both feets on d ground la. hor? Kw Hj was saying i shld b glad 2 b carried n nt haf 2 walk d grassy patch cos beri 恶心 . haha ~ d guys rilly noe d way sia. We walked frm Marina south bek 2 Esplanade... stopped quite a few times on d way to take pix la, tok la, 吹吹风 la. (Rina...we suspect we noe wher ur secret place is le.ho.)
Took quite sum nice pix at d bridge ar... couple's pix? Zc n kw la, gerald n Hj la, me n ricky (????) n worst, rp n doretta <--- tis pair totally no linK!!!!!! bt rilly ar, d pix turn out 2 b real nice ar.. 很像情侣照…nice place to take pix time amy cum can bring her go. bt 有点偏僻 la... looking down d bridge.. felt dat d path infront of me so long. Like never ending. >.<
By d time we reach Esplanade dere was onli 7 of us left lu. We 3 gals ( d usual ones) n alex gerald rp n jim la. Abt 2 reach 12 le... bt still alot of ppl sia. Celebrate ND den ton bah...... played Dare or truth. Nt fun one. Cos all those 秘密 i hear before le. ha. Bt like wad kw sae...we gotta leave all those secrets (hmm...?) at dat place n nt 2 breath a single word 2 others. Wonder cn d guys do tt...
Din feel tired la ... bt d gal beside me iz slowly reforming 2 panda. Scary.... whahahahaha. At first still okie... we were hafing gals tok at our corner n Alex hafing their's at another side. Then he was asking all those BGR quest la... "What if a gal confesses 2 u, n u haf no feelings for her, n she ask u wad shld she do? " <--- sumting like dat? tis juz an example la... din answer his tis quest dere. Bt after sum tinking... i agree dat iz right for d guy to speak up 2 d gal n tells her wad he feels. Maybe very hurting .. bt 好过浪费时间 on a guy dat will nv like her rite. Cry all she wan .. she'll get past it 1 la. Agree?
Went home at 6+ . Kw Hj cant tahan le.. haha. Went to collect d pix .. n d aunty was asking hu's dat guy so 有型‚ she's referring 2 gerald sia. ha.
从前从前,有一只肮脏的猫,除了吃和睡觉之外,什么都懒得做。莫明其妙的一天,猫遇上了坏人。这个坏人,样子很坏,性格很坏,唯一特别的是,他有一双温暖的手。坏人总在猫跌倒的时候,第一时间伸手拉它一把,帮它站起来。猫总是想: “坏人的手,怎么那么暖?” 想着想着,久而久之,猫喜欢上坏人了。坏人知道后,只是对猫说 :“我不喜欢猫,喜欢狗。” 猫为了这件事,伤心了好久好久。无奈的坏人却清楚的知道,有一天,猫将会了解,坏人的手并不温暖,他不过戴着手套罢了。
Saturday, August 09, 2003
gt my coupons le!!! thx huimin thx nw d prob iz..i beri lazy go all d way to town at 11 in d morning to get d tix leh... cos sat iz d onli dae i can slp late ! hw ar hw ar ... >.<
frm todae i swear i will never kick any skinny ppl's leg. Cos they wun feel aniting n i will b d 1 getting d 黑青。itai itai. >.<
last min decided to go ktv ... ( of cos iz san pay la ~ ) n beri shit loh. cos we kip calling cuppage den alot of small probs cropped up. 最后还是去了 KBox. Kbox sux! d remote damn difficult to master... i still prefer my cuppage. Sumore d snacks damn 难吃. Everyting sux! Except for one of d 帅哥 dat served us la ^_^ I kinda lost my voice aniwae... ... haiyo.
finally passed rG his pressie le~ abit paiseh gif him such a small gift. bt iz d tot dat counts rite!!!??? (yes i'm right) he was wif a big bunch of guys seldom i will feel paiseh oso. Bt i DID felt paiseh 2 walk over 2 his big grp of guy frenz. haha ... hu will ever guess i gt 男生恐惧症 in sec sch? whahahahaha... tml go eat steamboat. my favourite ppl all nt going. ricky la guanseng la rp la ... ok la i said dis to make dem feel guilty onli. ho.
Thursday, August 07, 2003
A song rina like ~ juz hope he feels dis way. So at least i wun feel like i like d wrong guy? I promise *promise* frm tml onwards i wun blog aniting abt him le .. cos 越读越觉得肉麻 plus 恶心 > 。<
有人 by Juno
不要哭 并无做错事 动情没有不对
要是错 错在难共你天生一对
给我的 转送下个吧 不要浪费你眼泪
老实说 为了怎么婉拒
难得有人待我这么好 如此照料周到
明明知有人待我这么好 如没有信心接受到
I m sort of making my diary a dooms island liddat ~ wahhaha~ dat idiot ricky duno-wad-surname ke bin ... he's like "show me sweets n dun gif me eat" lidat ! cos he gt coupons (cut out nicely frm 联合早报 since monday) dat cn exchange tix to a concert, n he's nt gifing me d tix! den wad for show me! end up compromise to a "if i cant find anyone go den i gif u 1 tix" ... wad the..... >.<
went for my tuition (FINALLY ~) interview todae...dat lady made me waited for half hr. ok nvm...her hse is damn 偏僻, bungalow opposite Tangling Trust Sec ... den nearby still gt duno wad Army camp .. so while i gave tuition all those army guys jogging outside n making sooo much noise. ok nvm again ... aniwae first time in my whole life see such a 可怜的孩子. She was forced 2 haf tuition juz becos she scored 85/100 for her mid yr. poor ting loh. Stack n stack of test papers frm all diff schs... n she's onli p2. 唉. her mother sure nv watch 小孩不笨 one.
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Saw wilson's hair...idiot bastard his hair even longer than me! I ought to b ashame of myself!! My hair iz shorter than a si ah gua!!!
Had quite a tok wif elin last nite ... abt wendy stuffs. ha. Long time din get to c her le.. mayb sat go hang ard Heeren might c her n dean bah? sat... class gt steamboat ar~ nt sure whether to go anot. Got lotsa bdae's cuming out, lots of bdae outing oso ... Swenson la, Sakae la, Seoul Garden la... 好忙 啊~ tink i better start to starve myself nw. Garfield Reborn!!!!!!
happier todae than yest ... 算是想通了。长痛不如短痛。。。反正到最后结果都一样。还是有一点 不开心啦。。会痊愈的 ^_^
心淡 by Joey
付清账单 平静的对你热度退减
Sunday, August 03, 2003
剛去看南山 match 回來。。 很久很久沒有三個人去支持了。Aniwae ..南山對錦荷﹐還以為会是一场 tight match, suprisingly 不是 ... 南山 won by 13 pts ar~
-tired of typing chinese le. back to channel 5 >. < -
aniwae din rilly sit down n tok wif rina ar.. long time din rilly mit up wif her le. nw ppl gt boyfren pei mah ~~~~~~ ho. i rushing to go home ar .. or else cn stay n tok more. Updated her abt current stuffs ( mainly crushes n class tings la) n bball stuffs la~ she n marvin 2 mths le. haiz. time flies!!! tmd. i hate it... btw air tix book le. yeah~ cn go bek home liaoz. exactly 105 days to go. whohohohoho~ 开心!!!
Issit true that long distance relationship wun last ar? So suprised to find out actually amy n her bf actually semi-broke-up at April le.. n it was amy having another bf ar. disapointed. her bf treat her so gd. tsk tsk tsk... abit guilty tt i actually expected her bf to zao sai 1st . opps. hmm... bt me n 杰伦 no problem leh.. guess iz case by case bah. so sad.
I cant blif dis!!!杰伦's latest album actually 卖到断货 in sembawang... 夸张 leh... ... bt aniwae ar~ d 以父为名 Mtv iz real nice ar.. 杰伦好酷!Aniwae todae at town wif wen ar ~ 唉. my shopping list ar... another 2 item added to my list la~ aiyah~ 完蛋了 >.< ... btw i juz dug out my bk of quotes.. ha~ so dun b suprised if all sudden u c sum chim-erlogy here k ~
Friday, August 01, 2003
todae's entry may be abit long so bear wif me k~
Melvin told me alot abt vincent! hw he strict he is la, wad he seems to be la blah blah blah...doesnt sounds like d type of guy dat i'll like! he sound more like a perfect husband than boyfren..hoho. it doesnt matter melvin offer me his email add ar..ha~ thx bt i prefer 2 get d hp num frm him personally (if i wans la)..
I wan my hair to grow longer asap ar~! cos dengli n shifu oso change hairstyle le..make me 心痒痒 ( *_*) shifu's hair muchiam like 风云 liddat... sumore frm far he look like male version of "白发魔女" ... wahahhaha~
todae my 3 hrs break spent in lib ar~ i tink next time fridae oso can cum lib le cos gt GARFIELD comics 陪我们!! alot ar~ at 1st wanted to read Peanuts bt still tink Garfield more entertaining. me n hj were like 2 crazy woman giggling 2 ourselves while reading..ha~ aniwae Alex came join us awhile later.. got out of lib den walk to canteen 1 ( me was expecting him wif at least another he was alone..suprisingly?) ... so packed!!! all those tikos sitting down juz to bio gals r flooding d canteen ( my opinion la) . Walked back to canteen 2... ... lunch hour. haiz. End up 打包饭盒 go watch d guys 打球.... ( i tink tis entry is beri 罗唆)..
Wah! rp's figure ar... we gals were all toking abt it! Doretta was saying his figure is d dream of every gal.. tall, slim, small waist..好羡慕 !!! n we juz realise dat he was rather tan ... rp ar, dun get so dark la, 又高有瘦 == 炸排骨 >.<
During FP class i was tinking alot ar.. cos d teacher always tells us abt wad will life be when we grow older = adult life. Like 20s we will b aiming to get a car, then at ard 30s our target will b to get an apartment ... a comfortable shelter for our own family. Den ard 40s we'll b striving for our kids' education cos by then our kids will reach d age 2 get into U or overseas. Then 50s we'll wana downgrade frm current house to sth smaller.. n by my teacher experience most ppl of tis age will spent ALOT on medical care insurances... 人生好多起起落落 sia.. >.< 不想长大了。
Ok met Alex n san after sch ... went BPP eat ~ alex damn crap la. tink san gt a new impression of him hor~ ha. den went san's hse...aiyah shld haf asked alex for air pump oso... 笨死了 *.* hmm...went home wif alot of 问题 ar... doesnt seem to clear away. 唉 ~ 好烦 好烦 呀!!!!!!!!! 烦死了 ~ >,< ~ oh yar one more ting...有没有人有 Beauty n d beast 的 VCD 可以借我吗? 拜托拜托!
Quote for todae : “ 爱情是一则童话,信以为真的人,是幸福的。” - by 张曼娟 -
Juz came bek frm Parklane..went to mit san's 表哥 Jason (juz wana c his hair cos san sae lk like 谢 霆 锋)..den he bring us to sumwher opp Parklane to drink beer. eh..i mean we watch him n his fren drink la. ha. Aniwae ar~ his fren sae i lk like Popeye's girlfren! ! ! wad the... san sae cos my face small small n my hair quite flat.. .. does dat make me an Olive or Olivia (ok wadeva her name iz) !!!???? Eva last time oso gt sae b4.. den i went home n 照镜子, 哪里会像!? sumore my boobs oso nt as big as hers.... *_*?
btw..if anione find it irritating for me to blog in chinese pls sae so. cos i understand sum ppl doesnt haf chinese software to view chinese ar~ right? juz leave a msg..if more than 3 person ( depending hw IMPT u r) petition den i change bek to all-broken-english style~ yeah~ aniwae ar~ tml iz an impt dae! so muz dress nicer lu~ ha~
ps: i told a lie. i din went 2 noe dat president guy. ha. ^_^ ~
Thursday, July 31, 2003
Ah bon in ECID class nw.. *yawnz* so earli in d morning ...
Yesterday's stuff:
Called back home frm morning till night but nobody's home. Was getting abit worried until ma called back. Said d whole family was out for work..even my sis! she workin at a candy stall..salary iz HK$5 per hr(which iz onli 1 dollar?) bt hmm. nt bad la. at least she's nt wasting her holidays rotting at home. Plus my ma juz told me dat she chipped in HK$100 in my allowance... =)
My leg sux. I tink i may begin jogging next wk..mayb twice a week after sch. Since san oso wana jian fei den we can go together bah. I wana haf slim legs!! I wana haf big breast too! (no nd too big least bigger) Our class gals were toking abt tis ... bt all those suggestions they gave me were useless! i tried them all before... wad papaya milk la wad pushup bra la.. aiyoh~ haiz..
Hmm. .. saw xiwen n rina chew. Juz realise dat dere r so mani similarities betwn d 2 of them.. so i guess they r d TYPICAL type of gals dat guys like. Long hair, fair, puts on make-up.. n pretty legs. R dis all guys looking for? Aniwae i tink long hair iz rilly Essential. hmm...
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
哇哈哈!!finally can type chinese lu~ 呵呵!!aniwae anione noticed tt d colors change liao? cos i damn sian of d previous colors..PLUS i nt so pro as rG cn change d whole layout..失败.. >.< my throat nt improving ar...好难受~ oh yar juz nw lecture damn sian.. so sort of 很无聊地 start a vote for the 最有身材 guy of 0218.. .. bt d guys dun wana cooperate or else i would haf d results by nw.. SupRIsE iz jas actually voted for ALEX!! ALEX leh! omg....天啊~
huijuan wax her arms shiny frm far (**闪闪的**) . duno when d 毛 will grow again.. hmm...lets all wait n see k.
Monday, July 28, 2003
yest evening went watch Youth Finals at JSH.wAh~ real nice ar. Me n wennie was like saying hw cum all those ppl so zun. Seems like they even zun-er than Namsan ppl ar.. .. watch d gals finals oso( we were forced to).. it was suprisingly entertaining! Mainly due to the center of 1 of d team..ha~ her dribbling iz beri bad~ den everytime she catch ball,she gotta bounce d ball wif both hands n get near d net to do layup~ ha~ abit bad la bt d audiences were amused by her actions =) San's cousin oso gt i mistook her as another player. n rilly ar.. nowadays d butches rilly look like REAL BOYS from far...
Most impt match --- Huatien vs Tagawa! (Call myself a Namsan fan..i even gave up Namsan match for tis) Supporting reagan frm Tagawa n DiCk (!!*whistle*!!) of HUaTieN!!!! He rilly zhan ar! Although he nt as kaopek as usual bt he still stands out. .. fast! Power stamina! Dart here dart there.... n his kong qiu iz real pro~!!!! except for once he made a fool out of himself la (bie ti le =P ) but real real real good ar~ duno when then cn see him play again. tsk. Aniwae tagawa supporters were real rowdy..made alot of noise. Dun feel so much "Sportsmanship" as compared to d other time these 2 teams play agst each other.. haiz. .. reagan was great too! kw kept saying tt he iz SoOoOoO nice..always helping players get up on their feet when they fall, be it his own teammates or nt. ha~ wait till he hears abt tis.. .. u shld haf concentrated more on his playing!!!!!!! >.<
argH! i cant hear my own voice ar!!!! tmd tmd! sumore juz nw went eat BK...完了,完了... >.< todae gt one big big ting happen ar~ n i shant sae wad it is! iz rilly rilly beri big ting. Hmm... juz tink many ppl influenced by me. ha... NF quiz todae! tot it will b hard or wad... bt it wasnt~ juz abit ma fan... cos gt to redo tt stupid UTP cable again n again... n i was reminded AGAIN dat lunar july begins tml ar... aiyoh~