At Hj's house for the early celebration...all of us were late! Gomen-ne!
Talk about putting weight, I (or we) really shld start doing sth about it....hmm.

One look at the box, u shld know who bought it.

Really coincidence, i thought none of us will think of getting her a book. Damn it, they thought so as well.

Unwrapping mine...damn it x 10, its no suprise le!

Strongly recommended by all, including Miss Bonita.

Huimin rebonded her hair, yeah.

Big time money sucker.

Why must people look so serious when they play mahjong.

Relak, people, relak!

She blew so hard that the candle almost toppled off the cake.

Uncle Auntie and Auntie-to-be.


This' the 6th birthday I've celebrated with you, girl!

On our very 1st year, there's 6 girls in this pic. Now its just the 4 of us....

No, the other two's not dead. One's married and one's drifted away.
That's her bro. Big whopper shocker (sounds good, huh). When I last saw him last year, he was still a toot-toot guy.....omg now ar ~ *shakes head* kids grow real fast you know.
185 and single. Sad to say, he's blonde....

Finally a group photo!

"Are you sure u gonna eat that? With that weight, u still wana touch that?"

- to be continued -