CGS Reunion @ Kristine's place was great! Had lots of fun...though din really interact much with my former classmates. Everybody look so different now and then! Oh my oh my...I look so much like a secondary school kid next to all of them (-except San..ha!-) . Or rather say that...I'm like an ugly duckling walking into a crowd of beautiful swans ...
Kris house was like so damn big. I swear that her toilet is almost 3/4 of my room. No kidding. Imagine that! It would take days to clean up the entire house. Huh. Kris is much richer than I thought she was. Her family have four cars! Mine have none ... SOB. (-buy me a car!buy me a driving liscence too!-)
Majority were b2 pplz...less than 10 were 2/6 pplz and d rest were Crescentians from d same batch. Kris did her best as a host ... being friendly to each and every one of us and helping us to get our drinks and food. Her family members were nice her brothers were real cute. Kris and them look so alike! Almost like twins.
Eva's lame joke to share :
Q:What do you call a indian man that drives?
Q:What do you call a tiny indian man that drives?
A:Mini mart.
Q:What do you call a thrifty tiny indian man that drives?
A:Econs Mini mart. *Kimmy came up with a lamer A...Shop n Save*

Fatter Rina & Thinner Bon

Jac Rina & Bon

Beloved future nurse and future Mrs Jay


Ultimate entertainers for the night...Brenda & Eva

Further hair extension....