She felt really uncomfortable while Bonita Ma, the excited and adventurous Hong Kong girl, was totally at ease and perpetually skipping around the red-light districts of Singapore. We were zooming around the little streets and lanes and to my astonisment, the uncles were queueing like aunties for John Little sale outside the motels.
We even saw a very fair lady with only a towel wrapping her body opening a door @ a container (u know those container room @ construction site? metal box?) saying bye to an uncle and motioning to another uncle to come in........
Anyway, our main motive was to EAT. There were so many restaurants to choose from, we had no idea which one to go to and spent almost half an hour wandering from streets to streets. I was really keen to try the beef horfun and/or steamboat (oh gosh...damn cheap!) but San had something else in mind. Zicheng recommended dimsum, that's where we had our supper.....
Xiao Long Bao!!!!! Its nicer than ding tai feng.

Look at the table of fooooooood. Aiyoh, san ar your expression....

While she indulge in the xiao long bao, snapped!

Why so emo over the shrimp cake?

Wasnt as terrific as zc desribed...pretty average. But then again, its quite difficult to find average hong kong dimsum in Singapore, most of them are below average. Especially what Mongkok, Admiralty, Causeway Bay....taste lousy. Including the one in Cine level 2. Service sucks too.
By the time we left Geyland, our last buses are gone....we were stranded at Bugis and had to walk all the way back to dhoby for NR (the funny thing is, we took a cab home in the end).

Sooooo artistic. Another side of Sandy.

The final copy was actually the 2nd version that we submitted in December. The team were revising the design again and again till Feb, Mun and i even came back on Sunday to do it. And? Sorry if I sound pissed, cos I really was.
Just found out from my client that, most agency gets free sponser of workmanship for their calendars, like photographers and digital imaging artists. In return, they get credit role and can use it to build up on their portfolio. Guess we could do something like that for 2009.
If we stack ALL the calendars on Giena's table, it can actually touch the ceiling. Provided our ceiling isnt that high anyway....

I have an illusion that the calendars are multiplying themselves...

Everybody stayed back to send out the calendars, including Mun. I apologise for the ugly pinned up hair. Look like those house maids in the 70s.

Pa bo!

PS: I wrote this yesterday and blogger was down, the whole chunk was gone. Fortunately, there was a half done saved draft.....hopefully this doesnt fails again. *v*