Long day yesterday. At 7 we went to Cailing's performance @ MS. Oh my she really can dance...just that I think that it'll be even better if she relax and doesnt look so tense. And we saw the famous Xue Gao!!! Even took pic with him ( duno for what ) ^ ^ Saw lots of b-boys & girls btw...I feel easy being with them. At least they do "oooh" and "ahhh" at black socks............
Well. So much for my "Perhaps.Love". We didnt watch it cos there wasnt any pair seats left! SHucKs.....ended at Kbox again. Again and again and again. Aiz. Every saturday - ktv, movie, shopping, watch vcd - pick one. B.O.R.I.N.G. If I have money...I'll leave sgp on friday night for a shopping trip @ Bangkok, then come back on Sunday night. Or maybe go Terrenganu for a relaxing sun-tanning session, or go Taipei catch an autograph session @ xi men ding, or back to HK for a nice warm steamboat at home ... ...that is, if I have the money lah. >_<

I was out like that yesterday...

A nice army jacket @ Zara ... 99 bucks!

Bon @ Artistic pics

Scarf-ed Bon

Cap-ed Kimmy
If you're getting me a present and u have no idea what to get ( ***big hint!!!!!* ) get me one of these ( I really dun mind if u buy more than one....>_^)
1) Leopard / Tiger fur coat @ E-Base $119
2) The burberry bag featured in Cleo this month $570
3) Miu Miu Sunglass $200+

4) Ralph Lauren Pink Blouse $147 (?)
5) Hello Kitty Furnitures

6) Topshop gift card