Monday, April 16, 2012

4 days to 5 years

And I left. 

Four more days to 5 years of employment with Imodels. I left. Just like that.

And here I am. Sitting at my sister's laptop, in the tiny living room, munching a cold hong kong style egg tart (cold but still delicious!), blogging about it. The resignation letter is chucked away somewhere in the warehouse that's carrying my work stuffs, I remembered seeing it inside when I was packing up at SOHO. I intended to submit that in September so that they have three months to find a suitable replacement.

So much for arrangements. 

No men is indispensable, this I've learnt many years ago, and I'm sure the agency would carry on well without me. I'm half worried about Fish, there's too much on her plate right now, but I'm sure these hard times will be a great learning and growing opportunity for her.

I do miss the times with Imodels, but there's no space for reminiscences, there's much to do.