Kaiwen's birthday...kinda mark an end to the tornado days I've been having for weeks. And great...I'm sick.

Chaotic in the afternoon. Everything wasnt prepared well and there seems to be endless of last minute cork-up probs... that's wennie trying 2 curl her lashes well.

While waiting 4 wennie to get dressed up.

Wennie love my pressie?

Almost cldnt recognize Kaili. So punk.

Balloons decorated by Kaili.

Make a guess. Who's this?

Cake from Coffee Bean.

Suprise, suprise. Zicheng's here.


The birthday girl finally smilez.


Woo Hoo.

Have a grape in my mouth...I'm not fat!

Why does all Rg's pic look so dark huh.

Wild, hot and sexy party animal.
Just realised that I didnt take any pictures with Lin though i was with her the entire night. Both of us ate a little too much ... chicken chops prawns marshmallow hotdogs blah blah blah. And now I'm having a sore throat. Great.
Meeting papa n gang for Marche later. Tata!