Sunday, March 06, 2005

I met Desmond today. *Gasp*

And not those walk pass or hi and bye...but we actually chatted for quite some time. He drop by to pass me sth that I've been searching for very very long ... * touched *. Didnt talk long cos I had to return to my shop ... but we promise to meet again. Smilez.

As many have guessed by now, ya. This desmond is not THAT desmond. - Sighz - This desmond is a really nice brother which have the same name + surname as him. But ... they're different.

My colleague tried to cheat me in believing 1) that there's cheese in between my 2 front teeth and 2) if we try hard enough we can actually gain access to our neighbour's system to check their sales. I got bluffed. And now she call me gullible. GULLIBLE. ME? What d hell ~ -_-"""

I'm going chalet in April! I'm going Hong Kong in April! I'm going Taipei in May! Wonderful ... I'm going to be broke very soon! (-Duhz...-)