I try not to do the wrong actions.
I try not to spoil the day.
I try not to force plans my way.
I try not to provoke.
I try not to hurt.
I try not to jeer.
I try my best to accommodate to everyone.
I try my best to laugh at the right time, the right topic.
I try my best to stay out of the way.
I try my best to contain my anger to myself.
I try my best to be a good friend.
I try my best to help.
If you're thinking " Yah right. ", you hate me.
There may be a problem with you, not me! Cos I tried my best, and did you even try?
Know what? We went Settlers' Cafe @ Holland V. last sat.

One of the games....loads of fun!

@ Breko....the bt panjang clique.

The girls and Mr.Onlooker.

Did you see the bunch of guys in the background? Omg...we kept rolling our eyes and laughing (secretly) like mad on their topics.............kidults are so funny manz!

Was he trying to smack zc?

Wipe that cheeky smile off, buddy! It makes you look like imitation Mickey.

Last pic before Zc rush off for next gathering....tired guys.

Who's who?
Minru left.......well, good luck for her future endeavours (I really mean it!), and hope she comes back for part time ~ ha.

Our farewell present for her, Mayday's stuffs specially wrapped up by Claire aka charlee.

Please note her "I Love Singapore" Shirt. I asked her why she want to wear it, she told me that she was attending this farewell ceremony for the old National Stadium......oh and btw, so National Stadium's gone for good issit? Someone please update me.