I've overspent I've overspent I've overspent for christmas!
Oh gosh.
And Christmas is not even here yet. Wennie is not here yet. I havent catch up with lin yet. Ahhhh.
We've been hanging around Powerhouse so many times last 2 weeks, I almost thought that was part of the office routine. WE HAD FUN!
...gwen's toyboy.

Giena look so much like a Korean boyband-er.

A real drunkard and a real sleeper.

Gwen can you please be careful of your skirt!!!

And another night at Powerhouse. Erm I think this was last last Saturday. A dreadful night I would say....

Bust out, tummy in, stick your ass out girls!

The crowd was bad. Gwen got pushed around million times, no matter when she stand. Even against a wall, can you believe it. And I got punched (at the back of my head)! We all want to have fun, but shoving girls around and intentionally pushing is abit over. Come on guys.
Before I was punched.

Lalalalala. How to make your face looks smaller.

A bouncer told Giena that she will look pretty if she slims down. And I think when a stranger tells you that, it means you are potential enough babe. Do something right now!

Wendy looks cute here.



We were starving after all that dancing, went over for supper. yeah we know we shouldnt.

Wendy taught us a new method to snap shot people without them noticing. ITS SCARY BUT IT WORKS. I'll teach you the next time we meet.
Wendy and Giena left at around 3+am, Gwen and I moved over to D.fly. I thought that the last session ends at 3, but surprisingly there was another performance. It was really cool cos the audience that stayed behind are really spontaneous and William Scorpion wasnt there.
And you know what, we were really out of our mind. It was 445am when we left Powerhouse, the air was crisp and chilly, we were too awake to go home and sleep. And....we started walking. From Powerhouse, pass the highway, pass the railway station and on and on and on.
Cars zooomed past after I snapped this. I refused to walk inside cos it was damn dark. I rather be knocked down by visible cars then horrifying myself into thinking what is unseen among the bushes.

Girls. We have never ending conversation. Its a M1 night. Everything under the sun.
After 2 years and many months, I'm back to Fuji Xerox building. The greyest part of my life.


4 trials and this is the best shot. With waist, with bust and a pretty face.

Half way through Raffles place, we saw lots of cars and were pretty surprised to see people standing around. Was racking my brain, which president visiting singapore woke up so early to patrol Raffles place?
Until we saw the blackies.........the StanChart Marathon. Oh Chey.

We reached UOB Plaza! We reached UOB Plaza!

Know what, we dont really care about the stares.

Cos there were none. No people around la.