Really guilty...didnt send out ANY cards at all. Then saving Mother Earth u know.

Giena's most hated company sent her a card!

The night before my birthday. What the heck am i doing?

Removing the oldy wardrobe! There's no man in the house but its alright, I've got....

...Rose! Pulling off the boards with her bare hands...

Now that the wardrobe is gone, my room looks so much bigger and wider...

I did help u know. Or who would have snapped all these pics for her?

I directed this!

Woo legs look short.

Totally exhausted after tugging all the boards up to my house..

Kik lek Kok Lok - ing....

The pretty sis.

From now on, he's not a rat, he's a man!

K la k la....well done boy *v*

Didnt wanted to go with the girls to Sentosa cos I was really tired, but then again, I'm a woman of my words. And so, well...
I duno why Hangloon always look so animated...

See what I just told u.

Its our first time to Sentosa by this...erm, train? And we're sooooo excited! Will the train fall off the track halfway? Will we drop into the sea and be washed up to pulau ubin? Life's full of mystery....

Gotcha doggie! Which press are u from!!??

I love the sunny Sentosa.

Lovely ladies...and a crazy monkey care-leir-fare.

While on the way to the beach...snaps snaps snaps.

Havent stepped into Sentosa's beach for so long! Everything look so different...upgrading and stuffs but the beach shrunk. = ( Its so pathetically small now....but of course I believe there will be somemore upgrading to build it into a total tourist paradise.............
From two...

...become one...

Choi choi choi.
Wee-woo-weet ~

Yeah I'm consuming carbohydrates and sugar and chlolestrol and wearing the wrong top in a beach, SO WHAT!?

Flashing their beautiful teeth...

My six sense told me they wanted to drag me down to the waters... .. double triple reminded them that I've no extra clothes/towels. Think this kills that evil thought of theirs cos they guai guai go back water take pictures.......

U two think I'm stupid right!!?? Hmph!

Awww. They always look like firstthreemonths couple.

Huimin :"Why, god, why!! Why did u gave me an Ah-Pek as boyfriend?"


Don't angry already la...we're friends, arent we!?

My butt-clench are working! Look at the improvement....

I'm really glad I went. Back to the arms of my beloved Sun. =)