25th Christmas. My suprise birthday party!
KTV with Hj till morning. Hardly slept. Was late for work (as usual). Was feeling very tired and sick until San came down @ around 8 to pass me my birthday & xmas pressie. Its the pj that I wanted!!!! Gave her a tight hug. Smilez. Forgot to take pic with her though.

Kaiwen came around 9. Said she'd hang around till I knock off. Kinda suprised that she's alone. Hmmm.

Insisted that she want to take pic with Sentosa. Hmmm.

Insisted that I must read the card before I get the presents. Hmmm.
Called Huimin. Said she's upstairs, working. I thought Kodak was @ B1? Hmmm.
Kaiwen said Happy birthday, then I heard shouts from above. OMG. A happy birthday banner, balloons, cakes and all my wonderful friends are upstairs singin happy birthday song for me!!!! (I didnt took pics of course, I was too shocked. Will get the pics from Dengli's boyfriend later.)
So happy. =)
So then, we had the little birthday party. Cakes, wine, presents, a speaker blasting different versions Happy birthday songs, hugs and kisses and all my wonderful danderful friends. Whoever that planned this, I really appreciate it. I know how difficult it is to plan things and gather all the people together.

Had to burst all these balloons. I took the deflated ones home.

All these people......Muackz.

Next time suprised party must let me know earlier....birthday should look the prettiest! Not u all kare-lare-fare!

The big big big xmas tree @ vivo. Nicer than Taka's.

Its so so so dark.

Can u figure out who's this?

Thanks for sending all of us home!


Muackz muackz muackz! ( i was kinda drunk le..)

Milo-ice for supper!

Though I was damn tired, I read every single card before i went to bed. and the pressies. Was already wearing the La senza Pj that night. Shiawase ne.
The happiness can last very long, u know.
A belated Merry Christmas to all of you. Hoped you had fun. *v*