Getting more and more easily tired nowadays. Brain automatically switch to doze-mode after 11 pm. This is really freaky...I'm only 21!
Anyways, here's the pics taken on Carol's birthday on Thurs. Me and Wendy rushed out to get her present ( a sound-so-nice 9-in-1 hair styler ) + a cake. Bumped into the birthday lady on the way back to the office! What a coincidence manz....

Black forest from BreadTalk...we're getting so many birthday cakes from them,we could just apply for membership... do they have one btw?

Gotcha! Hands off you cake theif!

And me.

The photographer to be.
While waiting for the scouters to come back, we did lots of stupid stuffs....
Stuff 1 : Martial Arts.

Stuff 2 : Taking poser shots.

Stuff 3 : Stepping a foot into photography...

Stuff 4 : Touch up on our make up...

Stuff 5 : Murdering someone...

And ahem, welcome to the indulgence of Gwen, Bon and Wendy...

Ahem. Please excuse us. We're just a bunch of bored-to-death silly girly girls. (We waited almost an hour plus! What else can we do right..... <---what an excuse *roll eyes* )
Anyways, somemore people to join in the fun.



Hana no hito?
And now....finally! The birthday girl!

Ivan took a group photo with the company's cam...but didnt get it from them so don't have it. For more pics, go "The Influences" -> Wendy. She got some more pics.
I tell u what, i tell u what...wennie is coming back next week! Omg I'm so excited....*v*