We decided that its not very nice to go empty handed to Alex's house since his mum is cooking. So. We bought him a cake, shun bian celebrate his very belated birthday.

Sembawang Solo should be ashame of their cake. The cream taste so horrible.

Cant remember what she's eating but, she make it look like she's performing sword-swallowing or what...

A normal TV.

Zc ps-ing away....tsk.

Yah thats ricky.

Christie or Kristy? Whatever. I seldom care much about kids...but this one is cute. Real cute.

She click well with Dengli. Thats Hj's phone with Dor's xmas pressie --- the animal hp thingy.
Rest of the story please refer to Hj's blog @ the side. I'm so into mahjong-ing now. They say is beginner's luck ... but thats what they have say everytime I play. I say, thats luck. Or Cai Shen Dao. Ho. ^^
Back to office. Everybody's in holiday mood. Lazy, slacking, dragging ourselves to work. Cailing's getting abit mad.

Paying respect to the poster. Okay not funny.
Cailing invented a very special dance (Honestly I think...if she do this in Zouk somebody will kick her out) --- similar to Kaiwen's one-finger dance. Yi yang zhi.
Step one, stick out your right finger in the air.
Step two, shake your head like drugged ah bengs while holding that idiot finger, moving from right to left repeatedly.
Ta dah! You'll look like one of us.

If you dare do it in Zouk for 5 minutes................you are really an idiot.