I have one thousand and one reason for calling her an idiot. Number one: Being lazy to put the pandan cakes into the fridge resulting ants getting all over the cake ... and to think that i went thru all that fuss in waking up early, rushing down to the bengawan solo, searching for a box and all that. What an idiot I've got for a sis. *roll eyes*
Well. Here are the evidence that I do love her afterall.

Brought her down to esplanade. We saw this really creepy statue...

Baybeat. Nth much to comment on the bands, except that the artiste that flung his slippers up while performing looked much like a transversite. Happened to walk past this wall...

I was starving. Makansutra's ba cuo mee uncle must have won 4D and decided to close down their stall. Stall's closing @ Marina so we ended up @ Carls' JR. The fish burger sucks.

Sis brought many crappy clothes here, so I had to lend her mine.

The all-time-favourite Chirpy's cheese sausage.

Ice monster @ Taka square! As u can see...most of my money's spent on food...

...and arcade.

Sat @ Waraku. Supposed to be exactly the same stuffs at Sento...but to my disappointment, the standards' even lower than Fiesta. Btw, thats my ah yi.

Paper steamboat. Fail.

The squid. Fail.

Agedeshi Tofu. Faaaaaaailll!!!!!

On her last day @ Sgp, brought her down to Suki Sushi. 18 plates of sushi were digested after the exercise we had in the arcade ... so we charge down to NYDC @ heeren. A choice that I kinda regretted..........><

Look @ her happy face. That makes me unhappy.

Wow. Big right? Not nice one.

On the cab down to airport. She's finally leaving!!!

A final farewell pic taken outside the.....duno whats that call, the gate u gotta go thru to get inside? I look kinda sleepy without eyeliner.....
Havent been blogging for long cos I've been having supper everynight this week. Dirty hands, cant type. Heard that lots been going on around....good and bads. More bads than goods....though some bads actually meant goods to me. =)
Great news! I've finally succumbed to temptation and bought Da Vinci code...halfway thru the book. Its a creepy book. Creepy, but awesome. ^^ And i've got kinda brainwashed...no wonder many Christians arent allowed to read it. But thanks to it, I've got myself prepared the next time i'm approached by preachers on plane.....
Booth @ SP next week. Drop by and BUY. *v*