Anyway, just a peep on what I've been busied with for the past 3 weeks......
As I've earlier on mentioned, Zicheng's cousin's cafe @ New Cathay is really good. Name's Indulge, cafe prices, big plates and big portion of food...the king prawns, the chicken chop, the kebab....try it out yah.

Met up with these chicks for dinner...

Wennie....I'm missing you already! Though i shouted at u on the phone...roaming, u know, cant talk long.....*bleahz*

Hey u two! No whispering behind our back!
And then...the dreaded day. (now past)
Gwen's last day!!!! *Waaaaaaaaaailllll *

One of our models got this for her....isnt it sweet? Awww.


It may look simple and ahem, even cheapskate, but its full of our best wishes and effort!

I'm missing you, too. A last hug to the most mercutio-witted senior I ever had.
Pics of Taiwan to be posted....soon!