Saturday, December 18, 2010

Liling's gone to Taipei this morning, I'm anticipating for stories. Kakakaka *evil laughter*

I've no idea why is it so busy this December, was so prepared to work on paperworks and graphics. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating it....just, don't like things that are not planned in my schedule.

PS: I've got my scheduler for 2011 already so PLEASE don't get me another one.


I've spent 6 days doing Christmas shopping and has not even completed half of my list. Intending to finish up the rest today.

To my dearest friends, you won't be getting Christmas pressie on time this year. Its my way to express appreciation for all the love received from you guys, so I'm determined to get something meaningful instead of grabbing crap for the sake of giving something. See me when I'm back from Hong Kong and I promise sweet smiles. =))


Alex Lee got a bike. From next Jan onwards, rainy days are NOT meant to be emo, please stay extra ultra alert. 马路如虎口啊兄弟.

You. Stay alive.