I've read ridiculous comments on forum about how to identify scam agencies, eg: "Once they ask you to pay, leave immediately. Its definitely a scam agency." and things like "Respectable and genuine agencies will never ask you to pay a single cent to be their model."
Who ever said so?
Extracted from AMIP (Association of Modelling Industry Professional) website : "All legitimate agencies do require their models to fork out to start modelling, costs like a portfolio and composite cards (cards with model's pictures and details) are required but like many other professions, they require certain amount of investments.
As long as the models belong to a reputable agency, the money can be recuperated from future earnings. This is usually the case for part-time models.
For full-time models, some legitimate agencies will deduct such costs from your earnings and you don't have to pay any thing upfront. "
Link is here. Read more if you wana know more on how to spot a scam agency.
Those agencies that supply models for mags such as Avenue models, Mannequin, Phantom, Upfront etc etc are under AMIP too, if these well-known agencies request you to pay for portfolio, so does it mean that they're "scam agencies" as well?
Come on lah, people.
Yes, there are some black sheeps in the industry that spoils the market, but that doesnt give you the right to condemn and malign, especially when you didnt even bother finding out proper and accurate industry information. FORUM ARE OPINIONS, NOT FACTS. If you're relying so much on forum to make decision and judgements, you're gonna lose out alot in life.
Btw, there'll be hunks walking around crowd areas (Orchard Rd, Clarke Quay, Holland V, Vivo) on Fri & Sats for the next few weeks, giving out roses and a special aid awareness card to cute looking ladies. *v* Do be friendly to them, they're from our agencies on an Aid-awareness campaign.
Today was supposed to be a farewell gathering for Alex & Gerald. Gerald didnt turn up, and so did many others.
Dinner & K @ The One, Orchard. (Why so ex ar...?)

The guys taught us damn crappy games, Bunny game & what, tiu tiu tiu game? I got away without a single drop of alcohol!
The 1st to forfeit..



4...Huimin look sexy in this pic

I forgot to snap Ricky! He was really slow ... few times consecutively forfeited and there goes the Sake & Corona...
Nobody look sad at all? Its supposed to be a farewell people!

I love expressions!

Before he leaves...Hl & Pilot-to-be.

Zicheng & Pilot-to-be.

The piece of lard and lard and bones.


He must have gone through extraultradevilspecialtraining. Before: William Hung After: Li Sheng Jie

Dengli was kinda too late (pilot-to-be has left) but better late than never.

K session officially commenced once the pilot-to-be left.

While waiting for Dengli's night bus....

The 2 pilot-to-bes will leave next week, and then its almost a year before I see them again. Its a mixture of envy & pity, if you know what i mean. Hmmm. That makes 2 down on the list for c.g.
Btw, we were discussing about having an overseas C.G next May, either Taipei or Thailand, depending on our budget. Give it a thought and let me know what you think k peeps...my tagboard is just a click away, dont be lazy.