Lots and lots of pics. These are only some of the hundred shots we took. The entire solemnization was video cam by me! So touching...abit cute. My first time witnessing the process. The man (duno what his position is called lah) repeated quite some time " Look into each other eyes " or something like that, Dor look really nervous and papa too. So much to say about yesterday!!!!!!

We @ here!

While taking this pic Dor's bro saw us...

Pretty right.

Muack. Pillow & ring. (not tiffany one....~)

Rehearsal for this couple too.


The typical pose. Swwwwweet.

Look so fairytale ~

In papa's car. I keep making this face cos it will make ur face look smaller.....

Dengli's big head and Bon's almost no head....
After the solemnization, papa drove us to IMM for dinner. Went to see their wedding photos...2 chairs, many people, and 300+ photos! Some more is slideshow....damn long. But the photos are really nice. Lots of background, lots of clothes, nice make up...just that the Sentosa part abit wierd. Cos Dor wear white gown and there are lots of beach wear-ers at the background. Even got Chang-gum ma...korean style.

@ KFC. Snacking before dinner.

Hangloon eating coakroach.

Hj buey tahan.
More pic to be blogged...when they upload lah ya. Lastly, congrats Dor and Papa!!!!! Smilez =)