

Bored Bears. And where's our Goldilocks?
Wallet's kinda flat this month.
Lots of magazines are reporting about how fabulous and trendy the shops @ Arab St are. Pulled Huijuan down to explore that place and we almost suffocated here...(please look below)

I swear , by the name of money, there's at least 300 indians here.

Girl's sweating like mad.
Its a REAL flea market. Old shoes and clothes, tattered bears, batteries, unwanted household items...the place smells like my store room. We were trapped there for 30 minutes, trying our best to squeeze through the sweaty uncles and foreign workers. Pity us, please.
We didnt find any of the shops mentioned in the mag. Really disappointing! Walked through the entire stretch of Arab street, the upper part of it feels so much like Malaysia. Garment shops, tailors seamstress, plenty of prata stalls, blah blah blah...its a mini malaysia lah. Gentleman hats are rather cheap though, selling @ $12 only (fareast's at least $15.90). Well, so much for shopping *roll eyes*, but at least its an experience...explore Unique Singapore!