An update on what I've been doing lately...I'm still alive, thank you very much.
Last weekend
Serving my duty as a filial daughter. Brought my mum and gang out to Newton market for was a sumptious meal with nightmare figures of calories. Ahem. And please people, if Newton is still "a place to kar tourist money" place to you, change that mindset. The oyster-fry, the horfun, the chicken wing...omg la.
It's now my number one food centre.
Went over to Vivocity by cab. My mum and my aunt was torturing the cab uncle's ears with their hakunamatata laugh...... I had this sudden urge of grabbing that top from Forever 21 and that shades and that flats at River Island and that VOV lip gloss from vivomart but was held back by the flash back of my account balance in my mind. Spent the night at Starbucks with Divina and Hanyi downing the sinful cakes while the aunties splurge @ Giant.
How I wish I can splurge too.
It has been a quiet month in June. Lots of projects coming in non-stop just as I was about to start consolidating my upcoming events in August. Arghz, no excuse for that, I should have done OT.
For consecutive 6 days, I had breakfast! How amazing. My mum has this never-dying determination in forcing me to eat every morning, so as long as she's around, I will have breakfast. My tummy will go upset if I eat too early, goodbye constipation and hello overconsumption. I AM GETTING FAT.
Boss' not around so we are basically enjoying the freedom of wearing anything we like to work. Since my seniors are back, he had only once commented on my jeans in a not-friday weekday (the baggy pair somemore =P), so really, I dont think he cares anymore but erm then again, we feel guilty sometimes. BUT NOW, we are so sure that he is REALLY out of town, havok manz.
4 themes have been drawn out of the box...Men's day, Doctor and Nurse, Superhero and Sex and the City. Yesterday was sweetie-pie, it was just a slot-in theme as warm up before our big day for SATC. I'm really looking forward to SATC, but totally no idea in who I should be.....where can I get a bombastic floral hat if I play Carrie?
Men's day - The boys.

Men's day - The Men.

The active participants of the first theme day.

Super Heroes Day - Hi Yah! The fantastic four of imodels.

Mercy! Mercy!

Sweetie-pie day - So candy-sweet!

Its my mum's last weekend here (next sat I'm going to meet Tiger!) so I brought her out again. I really wanted to go Newton again you know...I swear I heard the oysters calling me in the middle of the day. "Come eat me come eat me....."
Ahem. Okay lame.
Worked through the whole day....all the stacked up jobs from Friday. That's why I hate to absent from work. Oh there's a fresh young girl that joined us recently....she's a bottle of giggles. A pretty bottle.
We went down to Marina Square just to watch the fireworks. It was terrifying, so close that I could feel the heat! I could remember the pain it caused me 2 years back at Esplanade makan sutra...the dust/sparks from the fireworks charcoal-ed my bak chor mee and stung my arms. From then on, I hate fireworks, I dread fireworks, and I never wanted to see fireworks ever again.
I'm eating my words, I know.
Lets talk about something personal.
I am keeping my choices open, but then again it should not be too open. At the same time, I am flipping my diary (19 of them) to see what are the mistakes I made in the past, if I'm foolish to do them again, its unforgivable.
One very important lesson, girls should never say it. It degrades you totally. At the fulstop of it, you are deemed to owe him every faithful answering of calls, every help when he needs help, every dollar when he needs money, every response when he expects you to do so and you will also get these:
1) cold shoulder when he dont feel like entertaining you
2) meaningless sweet nothings when he feels like entertaining you
3) giggles and whisperings when you two are near
4) the road to a losing game
Trust my words. Never ever say it!
Oh and about that tiger....haha read my newstation!