First day at Taipei
Reached Taipei at around 3++ morning. Poor Huimin's jiefu waited for us at the airport for quite long cos our flight was delayed due to bad weather @ HK. Amazing car of his...7 of us squeezed in for a 50 min ride.
Mmmmm. Taipei 's air smells so different. ^^
By the time we finally fall to bed, already 4+ am le. -_-"
Cant remember what time we woke up but we left house around 1 pm. Taipei's mrt station is called 捷運, nearest station from our house was 木柵站, which is only 5 minutes walk away.

We bought a student travel card ( sth like Sgp's ez-link ) for NT$500, alighted at 忠孝復興站and headed to the famous 東區粉圓stall. Though we followed directions given in the book, still quite difficult to find cos very difficult to find 路牌.

Taken at 東區地下街.Nothing much to walk one...damn sian. This pic was taken outside the toilet. Cool.

所謂的東區粉園就是冰再加一堆料,好像珍珠(他們叫粉圓) la, 白木耳la,愛玉la,湯圓la, things like that. 生意很好﹐一直有人在排隊. Only thing is that the queue is very long and alot of customers, so the staff there tend to get abit impatient.
Main aim of the day was to find Jay's antique shop at 忠孝東路. A very very long way cos the directions given in the book wasnt clear and everybody gave differnt directions. After an hour or so of searching and trial and error, finally found it!!!! They don't allow picture taking in the shop but the salesgirl was nice enough to let me and huimin take one pic each. Muacks.

發自內心的內心的微笑^^ 我和他的唯一合照﹗

Huimin and my ex ~
And anyway, do you know that d shops ard this area are all so cool? Heard that the rent are cheaper than shopping centres. They have very big unique statues outside their shops, and even those country style staircases, benches outside, stuffs like that. There was a 2m+ gorilla statue outside X-Large.

As you know ( or u dun? ), itz huimi's 21st bdae that day! We gave her a suprise at HK airport with a suprise cake and a suprise gift. She actually sniffed d cake even before she saw it! 神功! We celebrated again at night at Ps Bu Bu, with her jiejie and jiefu.

Look at the candle!

Huimin's jie jie and jiefu...sweet couple ^^

The cashier counter.

Fooooooooooood!!! Huge onion rings ><

Please focus on the blue car behind. We tried to take pictures of all the cars inside PS Bu Bu secretly. Esp their pink mini cooper. Wow. If u find this place familiar, YES, it is the 流星花園dat 汽車屋, the place where Da S and Jerry dated. You'll be disappointed to know that ice cream is NOT their main dish...they specialize in Italian food. Nice spaghetti served, though slightly ex. Around NT$300 for one dish. The waitress are all so pretty btw. Wu Ha.
........t0 be continued