Happy chinese new year people. Stay alive and healthy (and if possible, happy k) for this coming year. Bikers, please ride caaaaaarrreeefffullly.
I'm not liking this rainy weather. The Man just got his bike and is still being very addicted to riding Itsu (yeah he named his bike Itsu), sometimes it does worries me that something bad might happen if the downpour hits him when he's riding. *Choy choy choy*
And btw, I'm never gonna regard Itsu-san as a "her". IT is a bike, thats that.
Can't stand the thought of my boyfriend riding a female on highway. Urgh.
Not going to celebrate CNY for a year with respect to my deceased uncle. He hates missing out on family gatherings, he hates being left out.
I know he's dead and won't feel a thing, but I'm just flesh and blood. I'm gonna order KFC family feast, gobble it all alone thinking of him.