Still kicking and alive...I've only missed blogging for 4 days, dearies!
So anyway. Almost all my kids are leaving/already away from Singapore, which makes me goddamn free these days. Like lesson per day? Totally bored from all the empty spaces in my schedule...capricorns, u know lah.
Watched "The Omen" on tuesday, only to discover that it was exactly as the same one i watched years ago. EXACTLY same scenes, same lines, same story. And sad to say, it wasnt even half as nice as the original. Dont see the point in remaking it, really...btw, Garfield II is coming!!! =D

And superman too...
Me and San just couldnt escape from the fate that we have to eat good food everytime we meet. Just dont understand why.

She cant stand it too.

Xian lai de @ Liang Seah Street.

I had 5 plates of beef.

Can remember whats that,bt whatever it was, it must be

Supposed to capture me looking like a star... ...but. As u can see....

Proof that Sandy's still alive.

Although she's no longer wandering about in the streets of Bt Panjang...

"Bon...we really shld stop pigging out tgt....*sobz*"
Believe it or not. We actually had the stomach for 2nd round @ Essential Brew.

With this...

And this...

And this...! (PS:Their hot chocolate's kinda too sweet....)
Only tried the drinks and the cheesecake, wasnt really fantastic. Great service though. Offered me a glass of warm water as they cleared my empty glass of choc. Plus later on, the waitor that served us actually went a long way searching for us to return me my sunglasses (which, as u've guessed, left @ EB). Sweet right.

Therefore...Commercial Time.
Tml's blog: Me and San's ten multi shot!!! Stay alive to see it!