Sunday, September 02, 2007

I models is not a scam!

Started screaming at my lappie this afternoon after I read about all the threads in forums. And the most irritating thing is --- i can't hell do a retort cos all the posts were like months back!

Kids, i told myself, there're just kids, nevermind them.

But still! *grits teeth*

I picked up a call at the receptionist side last week, one of the mornings, when the telemarketers havent fall in yet. This guy called Lance, with the disgusting slang of a Singaporean-try-to-act-angmoh, called to check whether there the person that scouted his girl-friend exist in the company or not. I told him yes, but he's not @ the office yet, and upon hearing that he laughed and said "I knew you would say that."

Then he started bombing me with totally absurd questions. This was part of our conversation:

"If that person belong to ur company, why isnt he in?"

"Well sir, he will be falling in @ 1130. Perhaps you would like to give me your friend's name (the girl being scouted), I ask him to call her back?"

"I'm not going to tell u her name. He should know her name."

"How is he going to guess without any clues at all? "

"Thats up to him to find out. How couldnt he remember who he scouted? I don't believe you guys at all! What kind of position are you guys to call somebody down, show them pictures, talk about whatever assignments that you guys claim to have and ask them to pay!? Must pay one, right?"

And he continues before i could interupt...

"Your guy told me that you're international. How international are you guys? Got branch in China meh? Shanghai? Japan? London?

If you're really real, tell me the names of your client. I'll check them up, if they say that they're really working with you, then I'll come down with my friend and listen to you talk."

"I'm sorry sir, we could not disclose our client's information. Which company in Singapore have you heard that will tell u that client's name? Huh? Its totally between us and the client, if you really wana check out things, you should be the one coming down and see for yourself instead of shouting at me on the phone."

With that, he just gave a shrill laugh and hang up.

Damn it!

And i repeat again, imodels is not a scam. Just wait till I ask if I could post more about this...once approved, I have loads to say!