ARGH~ suntan 2 hrs plus still nt darker...hmm. DISAPOINTED IN SGP'S SUN!!! spent almost d whole dae @ wennie's hse...lunch la dinner la bao ga liao. hoho. we were qt lucky cos we got inside d hse b4 it started raining.. .. den we started rotting. ha. sang ktv la, tok cok la, read bks la *i managed 2 get hold of d harry potter 5!!!* forcing my way thru dat 38 chpts nw.. n i'm onli at chpt 15!! haiz... duno hw to make it by tonite....
hey next stuff! i've been re-reading thru my old entries.. ..n realised tt iz true! my whole blog almost riting abt 1 person onli! wad d.... . sorrie i bored u guyz ar~ haha~ aniwae tis juz a place 4 me 2 crap sum of my emotions. ha. bt wun die if i bottle up oso la! ha~
ani1 read alex's blog? tink wad he said abt "BoyFren" n "Gd Fren" material qt true ar.. though me din rilly understand d 3rd par. ha...ok ANIWAE, i used 2 tink dat most sgp guys r d same. same pattern. Eg scenario a gal confesses to a guy she like him2 common type of reaction ---
1. Ill treats her. the more unhappy she gets the happier he becomes. totally sadistic.
2. Flirts with her. Mislead her. Make her wait for him. Give a thousand lame excuses y both of dem cant b together...while actualli he wun even wana b wif her in d 1st place. Bastards.
n gosh i was wrong. sum endangered species r still surviving here... ... gals GRAB dem while stocks last! ha... bt warning iz..tis kind of guys damn hard to understand. ha. u try 2 confuse dem they make u even more confused. (m i rilly toking crap?) ha....
I wana dye hair!! i wan i wan i wan~ n i oso wana cut hair! n i wan buy Biotherm latest products ar~ my face nw damn bad! Anyone wana donate to ABFCA(Ah Bon Facial Care Association)????broke... n alot pplz bdaez cuming up ar.. hao ma fan ar! hmm.... oh yar d previous song i blog in ar~ dun blame me if d tune iz nice. i din sae it was!!!! bt d lyrics nice la. ANIWAE 1 song 2 intro dl.... Jolin's "dang yi tian de ni"... tis rilly nice! no bluff!