Lots of birthdays going on recently.

Mickey Lim's birthday card! He recognises the source of his head immediately ... amazing * o *

The inside. Thou i doubt u can really read it.

A happy boy.

The couple that went.

Awwwww.....imagine the calories!!

I just love this pic.

Yup. This is the tee that u guys paid for and didnt even see it ... ...
Wendy's 21st birthday @ Lollipop KTV pub last sat. Will upload the pics when I have them(that is, if she rem to send me lah). Wendy has slimmed down alot. Hell lot. And of course, as pretty as ever. Many ex 2/6 ppl went too. Wasnt as bad as I imagined la...@ least the cake was nice ^^
The night ended with a, erm, very high Rina & a very tired Kaiwen. I swear I'll never go drinking with Rina ever again......................................