All the way from the day that Gwen left....
We bought her a big, big, big card.

Okay we're biase. Bin's leaving on the same day as Gwen.

Evelyn and Gwen, best seniors.

Reading our card....oh btw, all this happened in July.

She love the card!

Gwen and Patrick.

...and with Jasmine.

And of course, US!

We're gonna miss all the afterwork dinners.....

Bye bye Gwennie Senpai

The office is absurdly quiet without her presence (not to mention, bigger too, LOL), and without my bickering partner around, its really WORK WORK and WORK from 10 to 8. Giena and I have not stepped into the gym since the day she's gone.
We should not, but we had it. THIS thingy at 9pm is RIDICULOUS.

Check out 台湾茶餐厅 @ Citilink. Its definitely better than its sister store 新旺香港茶餐厅, the lousiest hong kong cafetaria-style restaurant there is in Singapore.
Biatching session with the sisters.

Yeah, SISTERS. He's officially in the sister's gang now.

Checking out something, cant remember what, but,yeah,something.

Everyone is after my favourite cap. Looking at it now, it looks like I have no hair.

And more to be posted ....erm, soon.