Lets begin from the cab part. Initially, our decision was to take a cab to Hotel Hyatt then transfer to a airport carrier bus.
Do you know hw difficult it is to get to Hotel Hyatt?
1) Wana call-a-cab? Spend 30+ minutes searching the web for d number first.
2) Wana call-a-cab? Press 1 then 2 then 1 again ( and on and on and on…)
3) Wana call-a-cab? No problem….(talk for 10 minutes) Har? U wana go Hotel Hyatt ar? This is the airport cab service number leh. We only provide cabs straight to airport. Anywhere else we don’t go one.
-_- Call until I pek cek. Next is the journey from Muzha to airport…the cab driver is really scary.. 搭了一个十分惊险的的士旅程!司机根本就是拓海(Initial D)上身…huimin say d meter 还到160 ( ! ).
It was a long long journey for all of us, including the taxi driver. All the highway that can go to airport was blocked for certain reasons, and the department in charge didn’t inform the taxi drivers, causing them to take many 冤枉路. At one point, our driver stopped on a blocked highway and start making calls to different dept to check for the correct route to airport.
He called the main center, then 无线电, then XXX police post but none of them were able to help. They keep pushing the blame to other depts and he got damn frustrated. His last call was the 高速公路局 ( which was d only helpful one ) and shouted over the phone abt sth 混帐政府 or duno wad. Me and huimin was stiffling our giggle at behind…though we feel d need to say something comforting, we dare not cos the driver like shen jing bing lidat.
Safe and sound

Trying to show the difference btw old taipei note and new taipei note

Next is the horrifying turbulence.
My previous scary experience was on China Airline too, from Singapore back to HK, and the H2o in my cup shoot 15cm up. This time is worst. Lotsa screams and shouts. A baby was crying. The air stewardess fell. The air craft shook like mad. I felt the air craft drop down suddenly, stable awhile, and drop further. We hold on to each other’s hand and I prayed hard. The whole thing lasted for 8 minutes plus plus, then, nightmare was over.
Family Ma Dishes
Ma Family
Mrs Ma n d gang
Oh ya. I forgot to mention abt d earthquake! 6 级地震 *_*
Our very first experienced earthquake happened on 1st June. I was bathing, hj papa and dengli were watching tv, huimin was closing a door and Dor was next to huimin. From wad they say, they felt the building shake for awhile and stopped. Dor thought huimin slammed the door too hard. I didn’t feel a thing at all, but I heard noises coming from the laundry room and thought got robber/ ghost. Ha.
....................ha. to be continued. ( really! Next is the last!)