Without her ghostbuster brows, Gwen looks so innocent and fresh.

Making sure that we ordered every single item on the list.

Yeah you can have this on your door during lunar month, go ahead.

And this too.

They really look alike huh. Wendy and Giena.

Lovely no-brow girl and lovely long-short-fringe girl.

Learn this pout, it'll make your face look smaller. Tested and proven.

There's so many of Gwen's pics in my cam, my friend almost thought that the phone belongs to her instead of me!

Right after the meal. We're all dead beat.....tired of chewing.

We clean forgot about the diet scheme! I hardly lost any weight...it was a yoyo-thing again. Going fast down, and back again after a heavy meal. Crazy body of mine...all the stretch marks around my butt and thighs are horrid looking.
Bad news is, my mum is coming over next monday and will be staying till early Aug. There's no way that I can slim down with her around, just think, a 2-fist large Loh Mai Gai and porridge for breakfast?
Was at Navigator's birthday bash @ thumper last night, I had only one simple duty to fulfil..."look" after the models, eat, drink and have fun! (While Gwen and Eve was busy socializing...) Yeah we were "looking" after the models...and their bags. More like a babysitter job.
Enjoyed talking to one of the girls though...while Giena was occupied with another caucasian man, we were bitching away about the industry, the other girls and the okanemochi ojisan-s she met in Russia and in Singapore. Why do all men assume girls at clubs are easy to hook up for sex? Even if we are partying with our own girl-friends? Even if we are almost totally covered in tees and jeans?
I'll blog the pics for the thumper party tml....! *v*