This' my third week in imi(short form for my company I'm working in), another 27 months and 1 week to go...I think I'll lose count very soon. Lots of OTs, which is totally fine with me cos I totally enjoy the job and the colleagues =) I really have very very very nice colleagues ~
Here they are!

Evelyn(@ the background), our tribal chief and Gwen, in shocking pink, the smart and humourous capricorn.

Giena, joined imi one month before me. Damn helpful and friendly.
Somebody bought a packet of larvae as treat. Its real larva, full of proteins......but who cares! I rather eat a thousand eggs...its bbq flavour. But Gwen says that cheese taste better.

Unbelievably disgusting.

Neither me nor Giena dared to eat it. I didnt even dare to take pic with it......reminds me of the mealworms Gary dropped on me in Primary 6.

Gwen actually ate it! I stared at her when she popped that thing into her mouth. When asked how did it taste, she kinda frowned and said, "Abit lao hong." Was it supposed to be crispy in the first place!?
Ahem. Anyway. Last sat met up with Kimmy after work, due to some unknown reasons, Orchard was so damn packed with people. This is not normal. Previous Saturdays, after 8pm, for some mysterious reasons, Orchard was EMPTY. Singapore is a pretty spooky place..........
Starving and desperate for a eatplace, settled @ Manhattan's Fish Market @ Central.

I don't know what's this, but Fish & Co is really much better. The fish's too oily, the cheese on the prawn was cold, the mussel wasnt very fresh.

I like ugly photos. Of other people. Muahahahhahaa.

They like my waistcoat!

My hair and kimmy's is one big contrast....