Sis here = Expenses double.
Double roti pratas, double drinks, double transport, double ice-creams and double toilet 10-cents charges ... ... and she's not that grateful u know. Hmph. Just waiting for her to turn fifteen; kick her out to take up pt jobs! *evil grin*
Pics taken from my stolen hp................*grrrrr*

A walk in the summer-ry singapore.

So ironic.

Should have kicked her down. Cld have save much....

Whats she looking at?

Old bean looks old...

Brought them down to Smiles Thai~

The lady boss recognised my mum. Muchiam old friends liddat. These plate of mango salad was her treat ... *v*

We came for this Tomyam soup. Its really nice.

Looks nice, isnt it.

Old bean was holding my mum's hand! Come 2 tink of it..its kinda disgusting........

-no comment-



What the heck.

@ Clarke quay.

My hair abit messy hor....
PS:Its his birthday this saturday...