^_^ Lots of smiles. Just done (half done actually) with my packing and too excited to sleep. Look at the amazing amount of pressies I got....
I got this...

and this...

Jenny msg-ed me early in the morn to pass me this...

and this...

my dear hairy monster gave me this...

and the 2-in-1 presents includes these:
another necklace in my currently fav colour from san...

a oh-so-me belt from wennie...

and the pure birthday pressies from my beloved class...

and lots more pending from friends! I'm super duper looking forward for the cookies from darling rina....
Finally saw them and them and them ! Its been a long while since the class comes tgt for a proper gathering like today...i'm happie ^^ So happie that I dun mind being smudged by the mango cake...
** Upload d pix for me can? I wana post the pix!!!!! Xie *_*
Happie things on Happie day. Desmond didnt reply my msg...smilez. Me and san are back to normal...smilez. I got lots of nice gifts...smilez. Being alive...smilez.
For previous blog entry, these were d pix ~

Sunset, sea breeze, mountain far away. I love the colour of the sky.

The rose.

The tic!

Table 31. Last table no?

A pretty girl sitting next to me. She lk much better in real life. ^^

Alex on stage...enlarge this pic. He's somewhere there lah.