Monday, October 09, 2006

After 20 days of work...finally had a lazybreak yesterday. Sleep, watch vcd, sleep again, eat and watch vcd.......feeling lazy right now. = ]

Snapshots on k.n.a's bazaar at Singapore Poly last friday.
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Our layout is kinda flat. Weren't well-prepared.

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Had a better location as compared to last time's. Obviously, better organizers for this bazaar.

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Peek-a-boo! Happy halloweeen! Its a halloween bazaar. (Halloween is 31st oct)

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I have good friends. Wennie came down to help out after her work. So sweeet.

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Good friend number two. Came during her break and pei-ed me chat. If not for her, my bladder would have burst or me died starving.

And thanks to Selina also! Came down all the way to let me earn her money. ^^

Other snapshots ...
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Hj went back to NP to get her cert...the "forest" behind us is actually what has become of the originally empty patch from blk31/27 to the library. Its really beyond your imagination......go back and have a look.

Just thought that you might be interested...besides the forest (or lets call it a mini landscape garden) that has amazingly popped out @ the IT block, NP has revamped it's bustop and the green patch of grass behind it too. Goodbye to the smoking area, it is now a sheltered area with lots of tables and chairs...and even CHEERS. There's even a basketball court. Whatthehell.

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Eunice. I asked Gerald to guess her age and he says she over 28. She isn't.

I wana organize a class chalet in either November or December. Let me know how many of u are coming, I'll estimate a budget. NO BOYFRIENDS/GIRLFRIENDS/SPOUSE welcomed. Huimin and HL exceptional.