Jay's concert's on coming Saturday and I still havent pay for the tickets yet. Feeling kinda guilty...
I'm sorry that all the pictures gonna be so slow cos sometimes when I get abit of time to spare for blogging, realised that I've transferred and cropped my pics to my lappie (which is at home). And the thing is, I usually reach home at around ten plus eleven nowadays, so its wash up - sleep. (And btw, its now 12 already! Passed my bedtime....)
We had a little party on my birthday ...yeah which was almost 2 weeks ago I know.
Birthday hugs from Loudie.

Mun acting busy... he's just playing games lah!

Fallen asleep while waiting for everyone to come back for the party....

Carol, Wendy and Jasmine. The three golden flowers.

My cake! From Rive...its goddaaammmn nice.

Its a top layer of rich chocolate with 2 layers of ohsochocolatey sponge cake in btween and a crunchy biscuit base. Not too sweet, the velvet chocolate melts in your mouth like marshmallow while you munches on the crispy base....go get it from taka or Ps for $27!
I swear by the name of Jay Chou that this choc cake is the nicest I ate in Singapore.

Actually we just had exactly the same cake on Patrick's birthday...but who cares?

I brought this and nobody wants to drink it....=(

Oh, except for Mun.

Everybody, smile!

Wishing for a mp3...

And tadah! Here it is! Can i wish for a pay raise too hmmmm.......

That's the last piece of cake! Shouldnt it be spared for the birthday girl? Hmph.

Later at Vivo..........................
At Kim Gary for dinner. Hj saw her fling!

Look at this look at this looooook at this. Hell to dieting manz.

The Japanese style shi guo ban fan smells great!

Wennie's back! *hugs with joyz*

My cake's on fire!!!

What the heck with the candles....it can never be blown off!
Until finally....

I invented a new way to look good on pictures, that is to say "Zhhaaaannngg" when the photographer says "3...2...1". It'll look like we're about to laugh happily.
My first guinea pig....and Hj look like she's at the dentist?

Huimin! You definitely didnt say "zhaaannnngg"!!!

The very not cooperative driver too. You didnt say "zhaaannngg"!

I think zicheng did said something but it wasnt "zhaaannng" or it wouldnt have looked like that.

No, neither did Hl. He said "bitter" (in chinese). Well? *taps fingers on table*

Everybody belittles my "zhaaaannnng". Sadded.
And a group pic. Thats a must *nods head*

The Mouse, The Monster and The Drunk.

Huh? The drunk? Who's drunk?

We actually went Holland V later on but nobody remembered to take the pics. Hmmm....it was a short session of talking, crapping....read newstation later yeah.