Had a late+late+late birthday celebration last Sat. Kaiwen was late = I wait, Hj was late = Long ge wait, kaiwenmehjlongge were late = Huimin and HL wait ... evening huiminhlhjme were late = everybody else gotta wait for us @ Heeren. We're very sorrie.........*.* `
Panorama by Hl.

Kaiwen wanted one too....last pic's her blistered toe.

The only couple of 0218.

Who say we're primary schoolboys?

Smile now. U duno whats coming...

The weather was perfect. Sun, breeze, friends ... beautiful day =)


Look at the mess. We brought lots of food there...most were untouched.

What a pretty....


Kids nowadays ah....


Still kissing. Very good stamina.

Oh MY GOD. I was stunned.


I reallly thought cream cakes wasnt a great idea...now looking back, this look so damn pathetic...gomennasai!!

HApPiE BiRtHDay ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next birthday kid.

Routine. Sing birthday song -> Cut cake -> Birthday star get dumped into the pool/sea. Making the last struggle...

Walked down herself. Round of applause please *clap clap clap*

All wet!

Sun = best lighting.

Can post for your friendster pic kaiwen.

Long ge was having a fling with Huimin when Hj's in the bathroom.......reported by mbm @ Rambutan Mag.

Long ge felt guilty and decided to leave huimin.

Huimin breakdown and cried.

K la. They were just playing volleyball lah.
I cant believe that Huijuan waited for almost half an hour for the bathroom. I also cannot believe that we took almost 45 minutes to get out of Sentosa....
Were very late and took a cab.

Rebonded VS Ceramic Rebond.

At Heeren's Marche.
Army guys. Army language. Army chat. Army smile. Army army army army.

Duno why but this pic look so damn odd. Its almost like I cut and pasted these 2 guys into 1 pic lidat....

The number of pics I've taken for this couple since last year is enough to burn in a 700MB CD-R.

Thought by posing lidat can make my face look smaller. Shit I'm wrong.

Another couple. Dengli and bf.

Compliments to the photographer. Thanks for making my face look even fatter.

The loved girls

Mission accomplished for Hj. Her face lk smaller lidat!!!!! Give yourself a clap!

She keep using the same pose....

See. I told u.

Recommendation for The One Family Ktv. The one next to Cine, @ Hotel Mandarin...entrance is damn small, but sure nobody will miss it cos u need to pass by it on the way to Cine. Their concept of charge/fees are pretty unique....but definitely much more affordable and worth-it. I've never sing K on Sat for just $18.........inclusive of wine, drinks, lots of food and terrific teriyaki wing.