Why in the heck did I even bought this book, thats a long story. Its here in my room (chucked nicely in one corner) since 98 and only left the shelf during my O's. Only read one chapter of it, called "Coping with Exams".
Suprisingly, its becoming more and more useful. It actually cover topics like "Job applications", "How to write reports", "Job Interviews", "Dealing with the Boss" (I'm on this chap. now!)...things that I've NEVER EVER FOUND INTERESTING and had NEVER EVER EXPECTED MYSELF TO FIND IT INTERESTING.
As planned, our agency's bbq @ Pasir Ris Park last night was half a success. Pretty much unhappiness and tension during the prep. work, and 1/4 of the expected crowd didnt turn up. Nevertheless, we still had fun!
Most of the credit goes to Giena. For the prep. of equipments, food, bbq-ing......*clapz clapz clapz*

While waiting for Ivan to pick us up from Giena's house...that unwanted desk did us a big favour!

This' only one of the many camwhore snaps! More in Wendy's cam.

Special guest....Giena's bro Alvin!

Don't eat that! Dirty little girl...

Jasmine was punctual. Everybody else was late....for at least 2 hours.

My first event @ PRP...the pit was bigger than I thought! Thats Patrick starting the fire...

Those muscle don't match his face....

Camilia, Fate, Bon, Giena, Wendy and Minru. Where's gwen, evelyn and Jasmine?

Just because I'm not in the picture, doesnt mean I'm helping out!

Froggie froggie, u hopped onto the wrong platform. Stunned when I saw Fate and Jasmine trying to catch the frog....with bare hands and feet. The froggie is in the middle of the red luggage, u blind ass.

Jasmine was ultrahigh. (Gwen's overtook her when she arrived) And I just realised that I didnt play a single sparkles!

Evelyn and Old Daddy.

Don't ask me what they're laughing at. Wicked people. Hmph.

Right after the game of humdum dono-what. All the guys & only 3 girls down on the field...totally exhausted after the game. They said that I looked like I was doing shuttle run.

Jasmine was supposed to do sth to Patrick. Right after taking this pic and turning my backs towards them, I got splashed by a cup of cool ice water.

My lovely ex-seniors. Didnt get the time to really talk to them...>,<