Its Sunday and I'm at work. IM AT WORK!
Woke up early 530am in the morning, the rain is thumping against the window, such a wonderful Sunday morning for sleepers. Aw. Force myself into the shower and 715 Im at Park Mall. Checked in my Yoville, earned my $$ and off we went to Sentosa for outdoor shoot.
Sand's wet. Sun's not out. Other than that, everything is cool. Especially the girl we are working with, Jennifer is a cute funny darling. She was so excited when she saw the merlion la! It is really strange to be in Sentosa at such an early yawning and stoning from their tents, golden retrievers chasing each other, empty shore, empty KM8.
Went over to No Signboard for lunch. But believe it or not, Gwen and I werent really happy over that meal. -_- Erm, except for the red wine?

The same pic I posted in newstation, check out my shoutouts there.
I hope he doesnt read my blog, but if if iiiiif he did, I'm gonna say it anyway --- I'm totally disgusted by the photographer. Eww. I thank him for his effort, I admire his ability to produce such tasteful pictures, but excuse me sirrree, I'm really turned off by you.
Rushed back to the agency right after our lunch. Gwen was really high, thanks to all red wine, but the temperature in Park Mall drowns all high spirits. Mr Park Mall Management, please have a heart and turn on the air con on Sunday! All of us, including the models, the model's parents, blah blah blah were suffocating inside the small little studio, fighting for oxygen.
Well I cant upload all the pics for show, but this is what I can reveal at the moment...
Dying of the heat in the small room...gathering around to see the pics

Forgive me for the shark clip, its Sunday!

Trying to get the right pose...

Poor girl, the spotlight is a heat transmitter!

Doing up the props...the Matrix Evelyn and No-eye Wendy.

Taking secret snap at Aimee, but she's too camera sensitive~

Im hooked up with Pearly Soya recently...the icy-drink turned warm once I stepped into Park Mall.

We all love Toki Doki. (the name of the brand of the fan)

Changing background again...

Giena looks bored cos she's broke in Yoville...

And behind the scenes for another calendar shoot day...
The Pinochio bow tie.

Guess who's the photographer??

Checking out the pics...

What am I laughing at? And there goes the tokidoki fan again....

Gwen The Ballerina...

Kungfu Ballerina I meant.
Its not everyday when Keith gets so mum....

I've been dragging to post this post for 2 weeks, omg! There are loads of pictures, but cant upload it at the moment cos our calendar is not out yet. We are all anticipating for it, hope that the printing company dont screw it up (cos thats what happened last year).
Company events has seems to be part of our weekly routine. Last week's Front Row S/S Collection 09 at Old school was SOTIRING. I had never imagine myself climbing the Great Walls of China IN singapore. We walked over to The Cathay, climbed that crazy flight of stairs that really made me and Gwen heels, my dear, 3 inch heels. Urghz.
And to top it off.....NO AIR CON. Everyone was sweating like mad, and its so tough to look good when you are all wet. -_- The show was oookkkaaay, am not very impressed with the designs but its always good to see Singapore Fashion Scene building up. *Gweeeeen! Singapore is NOT dying you know!*
The best thing is, there were so many people that shares the same dress sense as me. I felt totally at home! Dr Martens, Martin Margiela to-be, CDG, Vivienne westwood...surrounded by them. I saw at least 3 D.M that night....worn by both sexes. It might sound lame to count but I've NEVER seen more than 1 stranger wearing it in Singapore in one day.
It was so scary to look down frm the top of the stairs. 3 levels high at least, i swear.

Trying to look up but all I see is Gwen's butt.