I've been avoiding to blog because the page layout does not seems right in my browser, there must be something wrong with Chrome or I.E version that I'm using.
I've been trying to pack more life into my life recently.
Chalet was a success/disaster. Depends who you are. =)

We spent (when I say we, I mean me & dengli and whoever was with us at the point of time) quarters of hours gossiping and biatching loudly about people around us. People worth biatching, oh go read my chinese blog if you're free and you'll know what I'm talking about.
I have not seen Ah Seng, Rong po and Shifu for YEARS. I only come to one conclusion - if you're skinny, either you become very fat, or you become thinner. You may think its crap logic but I saw two very good live examples.

I've said it umpteenth times, but i'm still going to say it again .... YOU LOOK LIKE THYE HONG UNCLE (WITHOUT THE HAT)!

We spent almost coming 200 bucks on the bbq? Oh my god Im starving now lah....

I did help!

Crabmeat crabmeat crabmeat!

The first thing I did. Grab the food basket and sit down.

How desperate am I to put these two together?
Very desperate.
Don't ask me why. I just find it entertaining.

Look sexy with a crabmeat doesnt mean you have to look like a FHM girl.

The happy go lucky boys were happy...

...until the Jim Virus hit them.

She just have the rich look lah!

The skinny and the skinnier. Lol.

Huimin, Jinping (Gerald's girlfriend), Dengli , Sandy koh and me. Huijuan and Doretta's missing.

Very sweet couple. They disappeared for almost an hour.

Lalalalalalalalalala...sing a song of six pence.

T18 and girlfriends.

Somebody's birthday cake.

THEIR birthdays.

Happy belated birthday!