I would say that last class gathering was a success, nothing fanciful, didnt spent alot of money...simple and happy *v* As simple as watching tv together. As we grow older, I realised how tough it is just to sit together, talk and laugh. Everyone have their own life and target in life, gradually...the bond between friends kind of fades into the background....
Ahem. Anyways, the pics!
Huimin house still look very new yearry...

The smiley hairy monster ~

Guangliang joined us for class gathering too since he stayed nearby..

Thats my feet. Very protected with socks and long pants. All for the sake of KIKI.

Can you guys stop being so sweet!? Tsk.


Hl look quite hyper in the pic, but in real life....he was pretty dead that day.

Look at that heap of food! Thats my share...the fried hotdogs and chicken.

Mickey Lim. His head look big cos MY FACE LOOK SMALL. Muahahahaha.

Now my face look even smaller.....xD

He was studying...

And we're watching youtube...

I miss the days the old poly days....
We were playing dai dee cos all seats for mahjong were taken up.

Heard that Jim was the new big winner of the day....that golden ah beng! Our forfeit was, who ever loses with the most cards will have their face drawn by the winner of that round.
I didnt won a single round. !!!
Now i know why my head aches throughout the night...

Forcing his way...

And you ricky wong, why are you laughing so happily!

No no no no nooooooo

I look so cute dont I.

Wanting to box whoever that paint my face like that but then crescent's school song rang in my heart.....

No lah. Alex lee is too big size to handle.
He was no better. But at least he did it willingly....*v*

Makeup artist : Bonita Ma.

The pita man and the diva-robber.

Losers and the sore loser. Hmph!

Lets have something like that soon....=D
I like this pic. So warm. *v*