As usual, work's busy. The word "work" sounds very sian liao......
Running around, meeting clients everyday. Its even worst than going to matches...basketball courts are so much easier to locate. Fortunately, my boss lets me take the cab almost everytime *smilez* I feel like tai-tai manz......

I love the sun; but I miss the aircon when its too hot....
Some day last week I met up with kimmy to town. She waited for me @ the platform while I waited for that idiot client to turn up down @ the Control Station. Well...when the job was finally over, I went up to the platform and.....

Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes! We wore the same top...only different colour!!!!!!!
U think its no big deal? IT IS BIGGGG DEAL. I nearly wanted to go home and change. The last thing I wana hear is :"eeee, so er xin, wear the same like uniform lidat ". I cant believe that I actually stayed in town whole night in that........so embarrassing. So what if people didnt notice? I noticed! I know that we are wearing the same! Arghz!
Haiz. Whatever. So anyway back to today,Hj and I went around hunting for good food. Bugis's Breko was out cos the food sucks, so we left Bugis; Phins dont look good, I didnt wana eat pastamania so we left Cine; I didnt wana eat Nydc so we passed Heeren; Spaggedies's queue was damn long, jap restaurants dun look good, Bakerzinn was full so we left Paragon; by the time we reached Lucky Plaza, the idiot guy told me that they had cleared their fridge --- nothing left. (That blind fool called me tai tai! Uncle!I'm not even 20 hor!) And thats how we ended up @ Pizza hut.
(****Actually I also duno why I have to waste my time typing the above para...all I wanted to say was that we went Pizza Hut***)

Paragon and lots of carols ~

Huijuan's head.

I think this look artistic.

Soup, pasta & hairy monster

All time fav Hawaiian...looks kinda disgusting isnt it

Hj shld have took this ... i dun even know whats this...

Sluuuurp. This the most presentable pic taken by hj.


A twist ya. Although I dun see why i have to shrink the size...I'll shrink it anyway.
I think its all hormones fault. I've read this somewhere ( or heard it somewhere ) that imbalance of hormones will lead to changes in character, behavior and decision making. As a Capricorn...I believe in all that scientific crapz u know. As a Bonita.....i really really understand what you're going through. I really do. *Sniffz* So .... all I have to say is, since the situation is already like that, just have fun and enjoy life loh. There are times when u dun even care whether its right or wrong, logical or not ... ... meanwhile, lets pray that the feelings go as fast as it comes. Before...u know... u get hurt lah. Yah? Keep me updated. Smilez.