Been staying alot at home lately, quite a wierd thing cos I end pretty early nowadays. I'm so lazy to meet anybody, except for my colleagues or clients. Guess I'm starting to be like what I dread to be...the life of typical working adults. Work and rest, work and rest and more work work and work...
I dont think I've blogged this yet, kinda outdated...
We bought Carol Godiva in May, the day before Mother's day. She's been dropping hints after hints that she wanted flowers *v*

Belated happy mother's day! (See I told you these pics are so outdated...)

The prettaaaayyyest mom of all, after my mum.

It was also Evelyn's birthday. *v*

Yes, its Rive's cake again.

Gwen's back too. It felt like they have never left. *v*

This pic's quite recent, was on Carol's birthday last last week. Inside Booker's room.

Then, ricky's birthday on 7th June. Has been such a long while before we girls really had proper dinner together, most of the time was with the guys. Pity that Dor wasnt with us, now that she has a baby, it seems even tough to get together.
Oh anyway. You wouldnt believed I went to Zouk again. After all these years of curse and swear. If not for Ricky's birthday, if not that for the sake that we owe him countless birthday celebrations for the past few years, I really wouldnt want to step in.
Th birthday boy.

And the chinese saying goes...."smile until no eyes..."

I love you babes!

We stepped out to catch abit of fresh air around one am, I passed out. It happened so quickly, I was waiting for them to end their phone calls and this pang of blackness just hit me. I WASNT DRUNK, hey.
The curse of Zouk, it must be.
More pics to post later..........