Its like that.Ma called me 10 + pm last night. I was @ Starbucks with Esther and Alicia, already at the glass door waiting to walk in. Ma,"Where u?"Me,"Still outside. Go drink coffee with my friends."Ma,"HAR? Drink coffee? At this time!? Dont drink lah, later u cannot sleep."Me,"Won't lah."Ma,"Dont drink dont drink. Later u sure cant sleep then will fall sick again (blah blah x 1000)"Me,"Okay okay. I drink latte okay."I ordered Hazelnut Espresso Frap. And true enough, Ms insomnia came to stay overnight. I fell down @ 2 plus, struggled for 2 hours and woke @ 4:30 to practice my dance. Muahahhaha.
Its always nice meeting them. ^^ The only fret is ... after seeing all these pretty faces, i go home feeling demoralized. Left is Esther, right is Alicia, both attached.
Was asking her to pose like some superstar....but somehow now I uploaded it, it look kinda wrong...
I only realised I didnt take any pics with them at all when i board the cab!
And so ... to compensate myself (?) , I'll post this yah ^^
I'm just too easy to pleased sometimes. Small things make me happie =)Had my haircut today. It was kinda last minute decision, both of us (me and wennie) were so desperate for it that we gave up on all the recommended salons. No time to bk anyway...we rushed down to FE instead. I'm trying to fall in love with my new hairstyle. Thursday is lesson day. Check out the new pubs @ RedDot...damn cool. Just below Hype @ Tanjong Pagar. Lesson is rather tough today...steps getting harder, pace getting faster and stuffs. Its good to sweat out sometimes though. *Cant really concentrate blogging so if u tink its all nonsense today..dun read*Met up with Esther and Alicia! Post pics tml..they're just so pretty. In fact, all my friends are just soooo pretty......Ah. I really cant concentrate. Quite affected by what the palm-reader(^^) said this afternoon. She was reading me and wennie's palms, said some stuffs which I think was rather true. So anyway, she was telling me that I'll have 3 relationships in my life and that I'll have a late marriage. Rather suprised cos that was what the other palms reader told me as well! And yesh, she did told me other stuffs like careers, health, wealth and stuffs.Okay. I'll stop beating rd the point is. She was saying about love life n stuff mah, so I asked her if I'll be with the person I'm waiting for, and she said, most likely not. What a expected and sad answer.