Crossed over to TCC @ Clarke Quay last weds. Food oh food.

When you see somebody snapping pics of food before they dig in, you know they have a blog.
Very oily, very heaty. Dont eat k.

Mushroom and chicken baked linguine. I love this lah!

Check out Lunar. The last time I've been there, wasnt sobre. Muahahhahaa.

Giena slimmed down so much!

Gwen looks like a reporter.

The band were at Wu Bai's song when we entered. I looked at Gwen in utmost horror...cheaterbug! U told me there was Liang Wen Yin's song!
I miss Dragonfly so much. Awwwww. The song's not much better, but at least the dancers were hot. =*v*= And talking about dancers, the coyote girls......very J.C look. Some cant even dance, they were just moving their arms and tapping their feets. Wonder how much are they paid.
- this blog is actually half way done, but i'm really too lazy to continue.... -