Didnt have the time yet to upload the pics (birthday and sentosa), I'll do so asap k!
Continue with my hong kong snaps...
Double specs!

She's the one posing, and I'm the one paying...(for the cab. Hong Kong's cab is cheaper!)

Why does all my cousins' wedding falls on winter season? There's hardly any choices for dresses...it was a major headache on what to get. = (
Especially for this cousin's, he held his banquet in one of the 5 star hotels in Causeway Bay, which was why I really wanted to go back for this special day. The rest of my HK cousins are pretty broke, there might not be any other expensive wedding dinners for the next few years you know... ...
On the way to ROM....its our first time walking into the HK ROM!

It seems a really long tunnel to happiness..

We waited sooo long for the session to begin...end up taking snaps of everything anything...bored.

We didnt do it on purpose, but somehow it ended up that these two uncles sat tgt. Their relationship has been on tight strings for many years...my mum almost cried when she saw this pic.

And no. The uncle on the right isnt a Bandit. He's really nice, brought me and hj around the wholesale areas when we went over to get stuffs last time.
The IC came in when we snapped this. That's my favourite uncle, uncle B.

I think i heard sobs from my aunt...(the bridegroom's mom)

If we stuck to our schedule, we should be shopping in Central by this time. But my uncle (the bandit looking guy) almost threw a tantrum when my mum declined his offer of going over to the tea ceremony, well, thats why we're killing time here.

Some of our cousins (the two in black are the siblings of the bridegroom).

Waiting in the coach.

I am my mother's daughter. =) Crapz.

The boring tea ceremony...but it was abit touching to see my cousin's granddad putting the golden bangles on his granddaughter-in-law's hands...

My mum rushed home for nap while me and my sister rot away in Kwai Fong to shop for my dinner dress. Its so last minute and all the clothes in KF was so off! Didnt manage to get anything except for a purple scarf, which I wanted to match with my purple stockings, but ended up on my mum instead....

I'm stuck with my normal black dress! *wails out loud*

Bang bang tang christmas countdown session right outside our hotel! Damn it it was so packed...

For the entire dinner, my sister and I kept bugging my brother to get married soon. I hope this is my sister-in-law, she's so awfully cool and nice!

She's putting on lipstick for my aunt...(there's another story to this, please refer to newstation 3 days later!)

We tried on this lip enhancing gloss from Lai Jie...so how is it? Hot and sexy pouty??

He's the bandit's son.

The bandit's son is being robbed!

Yeah so thats my brother. And he really is the Banditlookalike uncle son.
Entertaining my parents...they're so bored.

Tea ceremony for the not so impt relatives including my parents....

Disgusting rat, wana act shy. Bet she's laughing away secretly to take pic with my bro!

End here for the moment, I know i owe you guys lots of pics but yeah, good stuffs are worth waiting..........................coming soon!