Our last class chalet. (-Thats so sad...-) After yesterday, we won't have much chance to gather like this lu ~ (-Thats so so so sad...-) Maybe we'll still get to see each other one last time on Graduation Ceremony day.. ..
S06 was like a gambling den. Dai dee + Byluck + Mahjong. First day it was mahjong craze ... everybody wanted to sit at the mahjong table. Second day it was byluck madness ... the guys just cant stop playing cards! =_= !! Ma's right. Gambling is bad ... i lost 18 bucks! Ricky is d big big big winner...you could never imagine how fat his wallet was after the game.
Huimin and the guys made friends with a kite named Donovan. But Donovan don't like them so they had to let him go ... ha. Me and Ms Zhang missed the fun of flying kite! But we saw that hilarious scene of Mr Alex Lee shouting names at the sky ... so damn funny ~
Playing Murderer was fun too ... Hangloon d fast and silent killer ~ Dor the vampire, wink so many times at her still dun die ... Zicheng and Alex pretending to be police while they're not...
Then...Dengli and her first beer. She and Huimin keep adding 7-up into Carlsberg cos it was bitter. Jim's vodka + 7-up which tasted like 7-up only...
Then...havock in starting bbq fire...chicken wing like forever not ready...everyone fighting for hotdogs...and me brushing honey on the food again and again...
Omgosh. So many memories ^_^ ~ I will really, really, really, really, miss 0218. . .