shopping list getting longer and longer. Considering about buying stuffs from the Yahoo! Auction ( when i get my next mth pay ) since I really cant find them in Singapore. Walked around Far East looking for X-girl's tees ... the guy @ Brosproducts & the kor-kor @ Collage say confirm very difficult to find one. Damn. Found some other nice stuffs though...but. I wan my X-GIRL TEE!!!!!!
Someone say its time to change the way i dress. Shit...i always get very paranoid when people say stuffs like this. Make me feel so depressed! All of a sudden I feel so lousy and shit and ugly and blah blah blah X 100..... I had set my mind in only spending only on facial products this mth. Seems like I gonna change my plan...why do people bother about appearance so much! If they never bother i wouldnt be fretting now..............argh!!!!!
My shorter version of my long long shopping list: