Friday, August 14, 2009

We've started on our calenadr shoot already. Juliya kickstarted it pretty well,yesterday's Aimee (again, yes, again...we cant miss her out of course!), the Cinderella that everyone has been asking me about for a year.

Made a trip down to No.1 Costume with Evelyn earlier on,got the stuffs that we need. Yes we got the sponsorship again! Its incredible you know, they really have everything. Might have a bit stain here and there but you gotta admit, they are monopolising the mascot costume supplier industry in Singapore.

Parties events gatherings halloween .... make a trip down to 32 Aliwal Street darlings.


Please buy Ah Mei's AMIT --- its totally a real bargain. Definitely worth it and I'm betting bucks that this album will win something in 金曲奖 2010.

And finally....
I'm off to Chalet tomorrow!

Will blog again (if I have the time to) when I'm back next week!

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