Bonita says,"A normal blog entry."
Met up with kimmy for lunch. My darling pepper rice!! Currently my favourite fast food outlet cos I love hot plate food. Kimmy's sesame chicken salad was suprisingly tasty too.
Went over to Millenia Walk to find Rina. We had a looooong chat....from 5+ to 10. We talked about almost till we nearly quarelled, talk till we laugh like witches. It has been a long while since we really sat down and have a nice chat *_*
Thanks to one of my boss, I'll be MISSING christmas this year AGAIN. Tsk. But I'll be home for birthday lah. ^^.
Tml will be the family conference (which shld be conducted long ago) whereby all my uncle aunties and cousins will come down 2 clementi and we will sit by a round table for a good talk and come up with a solution. Hopefully. I wonder if it will be just another fly-airplane conference......
First thing first. Everybody thinks that I should change my door asap(cos, as u know, cannot lock from inside). I agree. I'll wait for those everybody to give me $$ to change the door then, since they suggested it.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Bonita cries:"Get her out!"
The same thing happened again last night. While I was watching TV, she threatened to attack me again. Again and again and again howlongmustthisnonsensegoeson.
I made a brilliant counterattack. But when I went to bed, I just cant stop shivering...her boney fingers and that umbrella had been so close to my head...
Anywayz, I made a fool out of myself. My bosses were joking about my rewards (LV bags n stuffs...crap one lah) and I think I mentioned about me wanting an Evo 8. If you happen to know me should know that I'm a car idiot who doesnt even know the difference between Benz and Merc benz. So anyway...few days later that Evo-8 joke, my boss specially intro me to a male agent and tat guy took out his car key to show me that he's really a evo driver. And. The laughing point is, when he took out his car key with the Mitsubishi logo, I didnt know what it was at all. I just look at him and ask "you show me this thing for what". I didnt even know the mitsubishi logo look like that leh.
>_-. Wu Ha.
The same thing happened again last night. While I was watching TV, she threatened to attack me again. Again and again and again howlongmustthisnonsensegoeson.
I made a brilliant counterattack. But when I went to bed, I just cant stop shivering...her boney fingers and that umbrella had been so close to my head...
Anywayz, I made a fool out of myself. My bosses were joking about my rewards (LV bags n stuffs...crap one lah) and I think I mentioned about me wanting an Evo 8. If you happen to know me should know that I'm a car idiot who doesnt even know the difference between Benz and Merc benz. So anyway...few days later that Evo-8 joke, my boss specially intro me to a male agent and tat guy took out his car key to show me that he's really a evo driver. And. The laughing point is, when he took out his car key with the Mitsubishi logo, I didnt know what it was at all. I just look at him and ask "you show me this thing for what". I didnt even know the mitsubishi logo look like that leh.
>_-. Wu Ha.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Bonita sighs.
Friday faster come. Friday faster come.
But when Friday finally comes, I feel abit scared. Why does Time passes so fast ... ... so many Fridays come and go ... ... many years come and go ... ... then I'll grow old and die ... ... KOWAII!!!!
/bon shudders.
I may have problem taking leave during December. Tsk. If the incentive is real good then....^^
I misses my classmates alot. EX-classmates I mean. Hai. The rainy season is on its way ... it affects my mood. Sentimental. Wu Ha.
Finally uploaded these *
Last last week me and Hj went taka's Sanrio fair...

My dream room!

Squint ur eyes guys and see! Hello Kitty wardrobe Hello Kitty table Hello Kitty bed Hello Kitty mirror Hello Kitty this and thats...

The only thing I don't like about Hello Kitty is that her face is too round....

Hj wanted to bring that home...for 49.90 only!

I look so thin compared to Hello Kitty

Friday faster come. Friday faster come.
But when Friday finally comes, I feel abit scared. Why does Time passes so fast ... ... so many Fridays come and go ... ... many years come and go ... ... then I'll grow old and die ... ... KOWAII!!!!
/bon shudders.
I may have problem taking leave during December. Tsk. If the incentive is real good then....^^
I misses my classmates alot. EX-classmates I mean. Hai. The rainy season is on its way ... it affects my mood. Sentimental. Wu Ha.
Finally uploaded these *
Last last week me and Hj went taka's Sanrio fair...

My dream room!

Squint ur eyes guys and see! Hello Kitty wardrobe Hello Kitty table Hello Kitty bed Hello Kitty mirror Hello Kitty this and thats...

The only thing I don't like about Hello Kitty is that her face is too round....

Hj wanted to bring that home...for 49.90 only!

I look so thin compared to Hello Kitty

Thursday, October 20, 2005
Bonita says, "I finally blogged!"
U won't believe it, I'm actually still using dialup. Sumore is Np dialup...mine has been terminated very soon after I left Np (giam so I'm using Kimmy's account instead. Ha. Now that she has graduated....I wonder how long will Np take to terminate hers account......haiz. Anybody has some great (cheap is what I really meant) bb plans to intro plz tag.
Myworkiseatingintosomuchofmyprivatetime. I regret telling my bosses that I dun mind OT! They're now taking it for granted... ..."bon...tonight help me pass this to XX client @ 7." or "ah bon ah...this one I wan by today(by d time she says this already 530 le) leh cos tml I wana meet XX client le" or "U mind doing OT today? I actually need u to blah blah blah blah blah.". ROLL EYES. Like I have a choice ..........
I'm oh so into accesorries. Jelly beans earrings victorian brooches retro necklaces turqoiuse this-and-that....muack. Kinda neglect my wardrobe....hmmmm. Though I've been dying to get those oh-so-nice victorian blouses and oh-so-nice cropped jacket >_<
This is probably the longest war I had with my parents. I just put down the phone....regretted that I called. I shouldnt have called. I really shouldnt. My mom apologised...but she still thinks that its actually no big deal. She thinks kids should not be too xiao qi. XIAO QI. Try me..I can be even more xiao qi.
I've totally break contact with my bro le. A guy that I relied on for these years. And now. Bye bye. Tsk tsk.
Friday is coming!!! finally!!I wana watch tv watch vcd go fareast shopping try cosmetics @ taka go watch my corspe bride eat breko read finish my library book go facial sing k do some exercise
U won't believe it, I'm actually still using dialup. Sumore is Np dialup...mine has been terminated very soon after I left Np (giam so I'm using Kimmy's account instead. Ha. Now that she has graduated....I wonder how long will Np take to terminate hers account......haiz. Anybody has some great (cheap is what I really meant) bb plans to intro plz tag.
Myworkiseatingintosomuchofmyprivatetime. I regret telling my bosses that I dun mind OT! They're now taking it for granted... ..."bon...tonight help me pass this to XX client @ 7." or "ah bon ah...this one I wan by today(by d time she says this already 530 le) leh cos tml I wana meet XX client le" or "U mind doing OT today? I actually need u to blah blah blah blah blah.". ROLL EYES. Like I have a choice ..........
I'm oh so into accesorries. Jelly beans earrings victorian brooches retro necklaces turqoiuse this-and-that....muack. Kinda neglect my wardrobe....hmmmm. Though I've been dying to get those oh-so-nice victorian blouses and oh-so-nice cropped jacket >_<
This is probably the longest war I had with my parents. I just put down the phone....regretted that I called. I shouldnt have called. I really shouldnt. My mom apologised...but she still thinks that its actually no big deal. She thinks kids should not be too xiao qi. XIAO QI. Try me..I can be even more xiao qi.
I've totally break contact with my bro le. A guy that I relied on for these years. And now. Bye bye. Tsk tsk.
Friday is coming!!! finally!!I wana watch tv watch vcd go fareast shopping try cosmetics @ taka go watch my corspe bride eat breko read finish my library book go facial sing k do some exercise
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Bonita says,"Keep hatred out of your world."
I wanted to blog how pathetic I was and get all sympathetic replies from everyone. But the story is too long, and I'm so so scared that by the time I finish my story, you'll think "chey? Whats d big deal?" so I decide not to say.
Talk about my eyes.
When I woke up this morning, to my horror, my eyes were goldfishly swollen. I was left with half an eye ball and 20 minutes to do something/anything to it. Da S say black coffee or pail of iced water or cold eye mask can solve the problem but I have none of them...................><>
Hmm. Lets talk about happier stuffs ^^
My bosses gave me an increment!!! Not much but still. = ) And they offered me 2 choices of destination...either Osaka or Hong Kong as an incentive trip!!! Guess what I chose?
Hong Kong! Cos no point going Osaka then no money to spend at all.........
Our next class gathering ...... lets go East coast parK then go Settlers cafe?
I wanted to blog how pathetic I was and get all sympathetic replies from everyone. But the story is too long, and I'm so so scared that by the time I finish my story, you'll think "chey? Whats d big deal?" so I decide not to say.
Talk about my eyes.
When I woke up this morning, to my horror, my eyes were goldfishly swollen. I was left with half an eye ball and 20 minutes to do something/anything to it. Da S say black coffee or pail of iced water or cold eye mask can solve the problem but I have none of them...................><>
Hmm. Lets talk about happier stuffs ^^
My bosses gave me an increment!!! Not much but still. = ) And they offered me 2 choices of destination...either Osaka or Hong Kong as an incentive trip!!! Guess what I chose?
Hong Kong! Cos no point going Osaka then no money to spend at all.........
Our next class gathering ...... lets go East coast parK then go Settlers cafe?
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Bonita says:"Enough of this bonita say thing lah idiot."
I'm friendless. Lin is busy. San dun love me anymore. Kimmy resigns from PTO. Huijuan got headache. Kaiwen's heart is at tekong. Rina is terrorizing me with her looks. Amy is at HK striving for her Gucci bag........
I'm either having OT in office or meeting clients or watching vcd every evening. My dinner is ta bao food and ta bao food and ta bao food....
Heng I still got a job. Or else I'll be friendless, lifeless, steadless and jobless.....
I'm friendless. Lin is busy. San dun love me anymore. Kimmy resigns from PTO. Huijuan got headache. Kaiwen's heart is at tekong. Rina is terrorizing me with her looks. Amy is at HK striving for her Gucci bag........
I'm either having OT in office or meeting clients or watching vcd every evening. My dinner is ta bao food and ta bao food and ta bao food....
Heng I still got a job. Or else I'll be friendless, lifeless, steadless and jobless.....
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Bonita sighs," Why are guys all like that. "
I give up le lah.
Issit my luck or what? Like what lin said...I always get the naughtiest tuition kids, worst tuition parents, lowest wages, lousiest jobs ... and I keep getting the same type of guys. Lazy guys. All words and no actions, whaaaaats d point!
And I thought that he's different. PUI. PUI.
I give up le lah.
Issit my luck or what? Like what lin said...I always get the naughtiest tuition kids, worst tuition parents, lowest wages, lousiest jobs ... and I keep getting the same type of guys. Lazy guys. All words and no actions, whaaaaats d point!
And I thought that he's different. PUI. PUI.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Bonita says,"There are many unpleasant words used here. We're sorry for the language, but its only for today."
In short. "Ur cb let man f*ck and earn money." Thats what she said. Then she hit me with the pointed end of her umbrella. That was what happened. Early in the morning 8 am.
I cant stand this anymore. I shouldnt tolerate this madness anymore.
Why is everybody asking me to move out? Why should I bear the hatred that has nothing to do with me? Why are people scolding me of something I never do? If I can understand their situation of siding with their own mum, why cant they stand in MY shoes and spare a thought for me? Why are these people so heartless? Why cant I do something for my own sake? Why cant I GET HER OUT OF THE HOUSE?!?!?!?!?!? Tmd u all think I dun dare issit.
I dun understand why are some people so kpo. They think all this mess is an interesting movie issit, come kpo awhile, console u abit, then siam liao. WHAT IS THIS. If you're not into helping me, why not just get lost?
What can i do? If i make a police report....i'd have all my relatives turn against me. If I dont...I'd be bullied into the same situation over and over again. I HAD ENOUGH OF IT.
Tml morning...they'll be at my door le....I'd be fighting a war all against many....oh my gosh I'm so damn tired and afraid........................................................ and nobody's with me
PS: THanks to u guyz that lend me a listening ear when i was about to breakdown.....
In short. "Ur cb let man f*ck and earn money." Thats what she said. Then she hit me with the pointed end of her umbrella. That was what happened. Early in the morning 8 am.
I cant stand this anymore. I shouldnt tolerate this madness anymore.
Why is everybody asking me to move out? Why should I bear the hatred that has nothing to do with me? Why are people scolding me of something I never do? If I can understand their situation of siding with their own mum, why cant they stand in MY shoes and spare a thought for me? Why are these people so heartless? Why cant I do something for my own sake? Why cant I GET HER OUT OF THE HOUSE?!?!?!?!?!? Tmd u all think I dun dare issit.
I dun understand why are some people so kpo. They think all this mess is an interesting movie issit, come kpo awhile, console u abit, then siam liao. WHAT IS THIS. If you're not into helping me, why not just get lost?
What can i do? If i make a police report....i'd have all my relatives turn against me. If I dont...I'd be bullied into the same situation over and over again. I HAD ENOUGH OF IT.
Tml morning...they'll be at my door le....I'd be fighting a war all against many....oh my gosh I'm so damn tired and afraid........................................................ and nobody's with me
PS: THanks to u guyz that lend me a listening ear when i was about to breakdown.....
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