Saturday, March 19, 2005

Let me tell you a story.

Girl B like Boy D alot. Boy D has a girlfriend, Girl A. Girl B did some bitchy things, hoping to ruin their relationship. But before she even started her evil plan, Girl A become Sailormoon and killed Girl B. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Ahem. End of story. I know its a lousy story...but the truth wasnt far from it. Sobz.

After a long long wait, Friendster's testimonials is back. Finally able to read his testimonials ... part of me wanted to read it, part of me didnt. Its like watching a horror movie. The monster is behind the door, and you have only 2 choice .. either wait in fear for it to jump out any second, or open the door, scream and run away. I tried both ... the first was torturing. The second was just as bad ...

This is d worst crush I ever had. I tried.

I'll just carry on with my life. I won't disturb him anymore. I will stop being a cheapo. I will stop being so bu zi liang li hoping that he's mine. I'm trying to brainwash myself that I'll be happy if he's happy. But...NO. I'm not so wei da. I just wish that he n his gf wun work out and that they will break up soon. See? I'm so damn evil. No wonder he's not mine.

Alex's right. I'm a bitch. Or rather I don't even qualify to be a bitch...bitches are suppose to be pretty right? I might as well go bang wall and die ..

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